the news organization should be held accountable for sending her over there...
same thing could have happened if she was covering freaknik
That's the dumbest shit I've heard all day. And on what level should the news organization be held accountable?
I definitely think they should be honorable and step up to help her recovery. But held accountable?
That's the dumbest shit I've heard all day. And on what level should the news organization be held accountable?
I definitely think they should be honorable and step up to help her recovery. But held accountable?
I'm just saying anybody with half a brain could see disaster on the horizon!
Someone mentioned her being out in Afghanistan, well, that was under a heavy military presence. These reporters were going full-blown cowboy and subjecting themselves in the middle of a violent crowd of people they didn't know. The whole coverage of this thing was completely ridiculous. There are reasons why major news entities have sister companies that are regionally based. Sending her was another fuckup. Even if she wanted to go or not, there are network execs that gave it a thumbs-up in the name of ratings and profit.
That's the dumbest shit I've heard all day. And on what level should the news organization be held accountable?
I definitely think they should be honorable and step up to help her recovery. But held accountable?
You don't think that an employer who sends employees into a war zone or other volatile areas should be held accountable for a lack of security? You must be high.