I may not win, but I think I would have gone in the water after the gator for my child. We took my daughter there when she was 5 and made sure she wasn't by the water.
Pretty sad deal for sure,no clue what i would be thinking right now to be honest if it were me. But if it were me i wouldn't let my 2yr old fucking child wonder off in some unknown body of water without me right there with him. Can't blame the Gater,can't blame the 2yr old....so who's left????
I'm not from Florida and never seen a gator in the wild and I know better than to get in water that says no swimming in Florida or swamp lands type areas in general.
It's a really sad deal, but regardless of the reason why the signs were there they disobeyed the rules. For all we know it's filled with toxic chemicals that makes 3 eyed fish.
I go to Florida time to time. But I won't swim you're not safe in any lake. You see the big ass alligator on the loose at the lake worth?
Without my gun hobby. I would cut off my own dick and let the rats eat it...
"Lookin' back in front of me in the mirror's a grin,
through eyes of love I see I'm really lookin' at a friend
We've all had our problems that's the way life is,
my heart goes out to others who are there to make amends".