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This is disturbing...FTP

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  • #61
    Originally posted by cyclonescott View Post

    I also find it disturbing how the police department tried to spin it in the media that it was all the kids fault and kept pushing the lie that he had a warrant and that was the justification for the stop even after they had seen the video.

    Yeah I hate that too. I've always said, if you've got nothing to hide then just step aside and let the officer do his thing, whether you feel like what he's doing is fair or not. But there is a fine line between invoking your rights and being over the top, sovereign citizen type.

    I don't think he was being over the top. I believe he was doing just what his father, who is an officer like you and the article stated,told him to do.

    That being said even if he was being beyond annoying etc. it is obvious he was not being combative and should have never been razed with even a normal pull of the trigger much less this outrageous outcome of an enraged officer.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2014 GT
    2013 FX2 ecoboost


    • #62
      Don't take this as an attack, but that attitude is what has got us to where we are with police. Just because you are speeding doesn't give them a reason to search you or your car. The attitude that they are just doing their job is a crock of shit. Their job isn't to violate your rights. Just because you decide to exercise your rights doesn't give a cop free reign to fuck you over. Contempt of cop shouldn't be a punishable offense. If more people exercised their rights there would be a lot less problems.


      • #63
        Originally posted by cyclonescott View Post
        Don't take this as an attack, but that attitude is what has got us to where we are with police. Just because you are speeding doesn't give them a reason to search you or your car. The attitude that they are just doing their job is a crock of shit. Their job isn't to violate your rights. Just because you decide to exercise your rights doesn't give a cop free reign to fuck you over. Contempt of cop shouldn't be a punishable offense. If more people exercised their rights there would be a lot less problems.
        You're correct, and their are specific procedures that cops have to follow, but it appears more and more that cops just don't care.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
          People go to doctors to actively seek help. Doctors don't ride around in ambulances and jump out to help people against their will and then accidently kill them. The comparison is absurdity at best.

          Not to mention that they also carry insurance and (*gasp*) other doctors will actually criticize them based on an intellectually honest analysis of the facts. They don't need a god damn video of another doctor murdering someone before they'll grudgingly admit that maybe that doctor did something wrong.
          Save your breath. There's no reasoning with idiots.


          • #65
            Originally posted by kingjason View Post
            What a fucking douche bag. I just don't get the Billy bad ass mentality of some guys. If some one made a legit complaint against an officer I would stay far away from that fucker, unless he was legit slinging meth or something, and I would have better bedside manners and good PC. I wouldn't just stop him for no reason and proceed to beat his ass without any explanation. Then to drop him on his face is just stupid. Police 101 of what not to do when a person is hand cuffed. Kid had a bit of a smart ass to him, but you just can't let that shit bother you.

            Oh and fuck you guys! Millions of interactions a day, so yeah, there is going to be some stupid shit. Put a fucking body cam on doctors, soldiers, just fucking random people and you will get someone in every profession behaving badly every day. I am not defending this ass hat. I am just saying quit painting with such a broad brush.
            We have helmet cams. Oh and we have more restrictive ROE's than police do. Far more. We can't shoot if someone points a weapon somewhere in our direction or just stands there armed and bad mouths us, it has to be actually aimed at us and/or returning fire. Then there's the rules against night raids in Iraq where you have to get an Imam to roll with you if you do any raid.

            How many city council members go on these no knock raids with police to ensure they're done by the book?
            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


            • #66
              Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
              Save your breath. There's no reasoning with idiots.
              Funny to here a doctor call a cop a revenue generator when the medical community is raping every one. Also I was talking about incompetence in every field being the common denominator. I had found a article in 2014 were it talked about doctors killing 450k a year due to malpractice, only second to cancer and heart attacks or something. So that means all doctors are idiots and we should string them up right? Also google hospital cover ups and there is no loss for articles. That is just the ones that are caught.

              Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
              We have helmet cams. Oh and we have more restrictive ROE's than police do. Far more. We can't shoot if someone points a weapon somewhere in our direction or just stands there armed and bad mouths us, it has to be actually aimed at us and/or returning fire. Then there's the rules against night raids in Iraq where you have to get an Imam to roll with you if you do any raid.

              How many city council members go on these no knock raids with police to ensure they're done by the book?
              And how do you feel about those new rules of engagement Frost?

              Are you kidding Frost? The council members, who are generally the ones sweating the chief for more revenue, have zero interest in that. I am glad that my city does not pressure our chief for citations. It is funny that everyone thinks the police want to go out and wright tons of tickets everyday. It starts at the very top. They are not even supposed to budget that money into the budget every year. However, I have seen a city come un glued when their "numbers" were down. We actually turn in a report showing felony arrests and high profile stuff every month and we are highly encouraged to have a few over and above nice things we have done for people. That versus how many tickets have you wrote, is a step in the right direction.
              Whos your Daddy?


              • #67
                Originally posted by kingjason View Post
                Funny to here a doctor call a cop a revenue generator when the medical community is raping every one. Also I was talking about incompetence in every field being the common denominator. I had found a article in 2014 were it talked about doctors killing 450k a year due to malpractice, only second to cancer and heart attacks or something. So that means all doctors are idiots and we should string them up right? Also google hospital cover ups and there is no loss for articles. That is just the ones that are caught.
                A doctor murdered my father with a misdiagnosis of late Alzheimer's when he actually had Lewie Body dementia. Prescribed medication that put his symptoms into hyper drive and was dead in six weeks. I look at most doctors the same way as I do cops like the one in this video.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by kingjason View Post
                  Funny to here a doctor call a cop a revenue generator when the medical community is raping every one. Also I was talking about incompetence in every field being the common denominator. I had found a article in 2014 were it talked about doctors killing 450k a year due to malpractice, only second to cancer and heart attacks or something. So that means all doctors are idiots and we should string them up right? Also google hospital cover ups and there is no loss for articles. That is just the ones that are caught.

                  And how do you feel about those new rules of engagement Frost?

                  Are you kidding Frost? The council members, who are generally the ones sweating the chief for more revenue, have zero interest in that. I am glad that my city does not pressure our chief for citations. It is funny that everyone thinks the police want to go out and wright tons of tickets everyday. It starts at the very top. They are not even supposed to budget that money into the budget every year. However, I have seen a city come un glued when their "numbers" were down. We actually turn in a report showing felony arrests and high profile stuff every month and we are highly encouraged to have a few over and above nice things we have done for people. That versus how many tickets have you wrote, is a step in the right direction.
                  Oh the ROE in a combat zone are BS however those ROE in a constitutional republic where everyone is innocent until proven guilty and the government is bound by a document that is distrustful of government with too much power? Absolutely sane. As a matter of fact so sane that it is written down so that the government wouldn't be doing what it is now. The Waco Biker arrests with cookie cutter arrests warrants? Unconstitutional. The door to door searches without consent without warrant after the Boston bombing? Unconstitutional?

                  What happens if an officer attacks you? "I felt I was threatened." What happens if you feel threatened? Tough. If a cop shoots your dog? Tough. You shoot his? You shot a cop. He locks his police dog (his partner) in a hot car and it dies? He just killed a dog, You do the same to a police dog, you just killed a cop.

                  I don't care about tickets. I care about a violent police force that has come unbound from the laws they enforce, believing the laws do not apply to them and actually having exemptions to the laws they enforce. Gun regulations in California? Doesn't apply to cops. Talking on a cell phone while driving through a school zone? Not a problem if you're an officer.

                  You don't see the problem in any of this?
                  I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                  • #69
                    A story just came out of a cop rear ending a car and killing a kid. He just happened to be on his computer at the time. My bet would be no charges filed.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by cyclonescott View Post
                      A story just came out of a cop rear ending a car and killing a kid. He just happened to be on his computer at the time. My bet would be no charges filed.

                      I've had this discussion with plenty of officers, they claim they are "trained" to drive and operate the mdt but they never can seem to maintain a lane while doing so.

                      Agree 100% with frosts post above, too.


                      • #71
                        And if you are rear ended by an officer, odds are, they're going to use every bit of that badge to blame you for the accident. I can provide sources if necessary. Badges are not pulled nearly fast enough for misuse of power, police do not police their own. I don't care if it takes forever to fire a cop because of the union, take someone behind the woodshed and kick their ass. That's how the military does it. You fix the fuckups while you outprocess them and make them want to leave. No, police tend to protect their own no matter how bad.

                        There are good ones but with everyone having cameras, the bad ones are showing up more and more.
                        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                        • #72
                          Most cop cars equipped with dash cams also have a crash sensor that records the previous 30-60 seconds and stores it in non volatile memory, fwiw. That's not to say the video doesn't get "lost" or "corrupted" sometimes.


                          • #73
                            I do not think it is the doctors that are the problem but the suppliers and facilities...i have no problem paying someone an outrageous amount of money if they are going to commit 8 year of their life to schooling


                            • #74
                              Are active military able to form unions?


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Craizie View Post
                                Are active military able to form unions?
                                Nope. Nor do we get overtime pay.
                                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

