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This is disturbing...FTP

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  • This is disturbing...FTP

    In the video, Runnels pulls Bryce over and approaches the car. He tells Bryce to get out but doesn’t give a reason. Bryce repeatedly asks if he is under arrest. Runnels says, “You’re under arrest. Get your ass out of the car,” and attempts to pull him out by force. He then tases Bryce for 23 seconds, handcuffs him, drags the boy’s body behind the car, and deliberately drops him face first onto the asphalt road. Runnels may not have known it at the time, but Bryce was going into cardiac arrest. When the loud thud of the drop boomed throughout the courtroom, gasps echoed out. One woman looked down and covered her eyes with her hand. A man said, “Oh, my god.” A police officer with the Kansas City Police Department quickly brought his fist to his mouth, turned to the man next to him, and whispered, “Jesus.” Even those sitting behind the defendant — a few friends, his wife, his family — gasped, as if the recording revealed a truth about Runnels they had never considered.
    The kid did not have a warrant. The dbag cop initially stated that was the reason for pulling the kid over but changed it to dark tint after the fact because there were no warrants. The video above was released after the pig's trial.
    Apparently the kid's dad is a cop and schooled him on his rights when stopped by LE based on a previous arrest...

    When Stacy and Matt Masters began having children, they moved across the border to Kansas City so Matt could keep his job as an officer with the Kansas City Police Department.
    A friend at the Independence police station called Matt to tell him his son had just been arrested. Matt headed to jail and posted Bryce’s bail. Later, when they got home and Bryce described what had happened, something about the arrest didn’t seem right. Matt couldn’t see any probable cause. He told Bryce that the officer shouldn’t have gone into his pockets and the search was likely illegal.

    Outraged, Stacy called the station and demanded to speak to the officers involved. She told the sergeant she spoke to that the family believed the officers had conducted an illegal search and that they were considering filing a complaint. The sergeant didn’t respond well to the threat and told her that if she were a better mother, maybe none of this would have happened.

    Matt was furious. He and Stacy sat Bryce down. They told him that they were disappointed he was smoking marijuana but that his civil rights had been violated. Matt told him that if an officer ever stopped him, he had every right to know why he was being stopped, and whether he was under arrest. The conversation was still fresh in Bryce’s mind on September 14 when Officer Runnels pulled him over.
    I wonder if the aggression with the kid was in retaliation to the call dad made to the station?

  • #2
    Cop needs his head caved in.



    • #3
      Jesus Christ. That dude needs the needle for that. That was fucking tough to watch.
      Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


      • #4
        I hope that cop has a long 4 years.


        • #5
          If I'm understanding right, the ultimate goal of the article is to also blame the taser. Personally, I like the idea of tasers for law enforcement - the real problem here was a cop on some sort of power trip.

          Maybe timers or something on the tasers, but something tells me LEOs would be against that with decent reasoning.
          Originally posted by MR EDD
          U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


          • #6
            I would be making lot's of plans for his release.

            *What now? Let me tell you what now. I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' niggers, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin', hillbilly boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on your ass.

            Fucker was on a power trip and like was said most likely some sort of retaliation from the previous arrest.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ceyko View Post
              If I'm understanding right, the ultimate goal of the article is to also blame the taser. Personally, I like the idea of tasers for law enforcement - the real problem here was a cop on some sort of power trip.

              Maybe timers or something on the tasers, but something tells me LEOs would be against that with decent reasoning.
              I am at the point we need to disarm cops and tie their hands up like we do for military engaged in war. These power tripping episodes seem to becoming more and more prevelant and disarming them may help. Disarm cops and see if their demeanor starts to change.
              I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

              Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


              • #8
                Jesus Christ.


                • #9
                  wow, the kid hitting the ground was pretty rough. The cop is barking commands while tasing the shit out of him, what a dumbass.

                  PSA, when you encounter a police officer treat it like it's a group of gangbanger thugs, keep your head down, listen, do what they say and pray you make it out of the situation alive. Do NOT assume they are law abiding.
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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
                    I am at the point we need to disarm cops and tie their hands up like we do for military engaged in war. These power tripping episodes seem to becoming more and more prevelant and disarming them may help. Disarm cops and see if their demeanor starts to change.
                    I can understand this logic, but (ya know, always one of those) - what to do about when they actually need weapons?

                    There are plenty of fuzzy areas for sure, but generally there are law abiding citizens, mostly law abiding citizens who f'up (think standard teenager/low 20s kids) and then ones who are down the wrong path and likely will not go right anytime soon.

                    The problem is when various weapons are used for those minor crimes or the attitude those weapons provide are used all the time by LEOs. Well, lets not forget corruption and cover-ups within the various police departments either.
                    Originally posted by MR EDD
                    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                      If I'm understanding right, the ultimate goal of the article is to also blame the taser. Personally, I like the idea of tasers for law enforcement - the real problem here was a cop on some sort of power trip.

                      Maybe timers or something on the tasers, but something tells me LEOs would be against that with decent reasoning.
                      The taser should actually have a built in timer; upon deployment a 5 second timer begins(all Leo tasers that I have been trained on anyways). The only way to extend that time period is to hold the trigger down. At that point the cycle continues until released. The taser downloads and saves all deployments and the time that the cycle was active. That data can not be adjusted however their have been cases where the taser itself suffered "damages" that made the taser information not retrievable.


                      • #12
                        I just read the entire story behind this encounter. What a sickening display of power and harassment of one teenage boy in a rural town. It was hard to comprehend at times. As a kid growing up we were taught to look up to cops, well I guess those times are gone. I am without words, even the dad a lifelong cop had internal struggles with the idea that his son "did" do something that provoked the violence from the officer, until he saw the camera footage. . The family did not see the dash-cam until almost a year later....... wow.


                        • #13
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                          • #14
                            Obviously white privilege was on E that day.


                            • #15
                              The problem isn't the Taser; it's not non-lethal but it generally causes less damage than a firearm. There are two problems IMO: inadequate education and understanding of the Taser and what it can do; and excessive force. If he hadn't had the Taser, I feel like he would've dragged him out of the car, thrown him on the ground, and beaten him while he was down.
                              Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                              HOORAY ME and FUCK YOU!

