For the interactive version, ticket payments, and more: An animated data-driven documentary about war and peace, The Fallen of World War II looks…
My Grandfather was there that day. He then took a backpack tour of Europe. He was a french speaker and did a lot of translating, then came home became a milk man, raised 7 kids, and was an amazing wood worker and fished every chance he got till the day he died. That's all I know because he never ever spoke a word about what he saw over there to anyone. When his doctor told him he had inoperable prostate cancer, he told the doc a joke to cheer him up. Still get choked up thinking about him.
On June 6, 1944, the course of world history changed while most Americans slept soundly in their beds thousands of miles away. Dubbed "Operation Neptune" then but forever-since known as simply "D-Day," Allied troops on this day launched the largest sea invasion ever undertaken before or since on the beaches of Normandy, France.More than 9,000 allied troops were killed or wounded in the invasion, but by the end of the fight, Allied troops had regained a foothold in Europe that would eventually lead to the defeat of Hitler's army.From: Houston Chronicle