I'm not talking to the single people that aren't used to kids or don't like them. I get that. I know where you are coming from.
I'm talking about other couples/parents. Do you avoid hanging out with certain people because of the way their kids act or what they are allowed to do?
There is one family that as adults, we all have a great time together, but I find their kids extremely annoying and the parents don't seem to care or mind what they are doing. They call us sometimes wanting to do something together but I find myself coming up with excuses. When they bring their kids over, the kids tear up my kids stuff and they are bossy and rowdy. Usually someone has hit someone by the end of the night. If we go over their house, they want to watch movies or play games no 4 & 5 yo has any business watching and I'm always saying "no".
On the other hand there was one family where my kids were the "wild" ones. They were nice people but super strict about things. Kids in bed by 8pm solid, even with company. They were not allowed to watch any Disney of any kind. The little girl tried to tear a page out of my daughter's Sesame Street book "because it was scary" and her parents apparently told her she could do this with her books. Watching "Madagascar" (which I was surprised they were ok with) they told the little girl to cover her eyes because of the scene in the old plane where there was a skeleton.
I'm talking about other couples/parents. Do you avoid hanging out with certain people because of the way their kids act or what they are allowed to do?
There is one family that as adults, we all have a great time together, but I find their kids extremely annoying and the parents don't seem to care or mind what they are doing. They call us sometimes wanting to do something together but I find myself coming up with excuses. When they bring their kids over, the kids tear up my kids stuff and they are bossy and rowdy. Usually someone has hit someone by the end of the night. If we go over their house, they want to watch movies or play games no 4 & 5 yo has any business watching and I'm always saying "no".
On the other hand there was one family where my kids were the "wild" ones. They were nice people but super strict about things. Kids in bed by 8pm solid, even with company. They were not allowed to watch any Disney of any kind. The little girl tried to tear a page out of my daughter's Sesame Street book "because it was scary" and her parents apparently told her she could do this with her books. Watching "Madagascar" (which I was surprised they were ok with) they told the little girl to cover her eyes because of the scene in the old plane where there was a skeleton.
