Seems bad...
The FDA’s regulation of premium cigars if left unchecked, would have a devastating impact on retailers and manufacturers alike. Consumers will have less choice. Youth access is simply not an issue in the premium cigar space where 35,000 Americans earn their living along with over 300,000 employees in the Caribbean Basin. If manufacturers are able to afford the costs to cut through the FDA red tape, the cost must be transferred to someone, i.e. retailers and the everyday, regular, working guy or gal that just wants to enjoy a cigar and not be forced to spend twice as much money for it. The many countries that neighbor the US will take significant losses, as many of their economies are supported by and sometimes solely dependent on the Premium Cigar industry.
The FDA’s regulation of premium cigars if left unchecked, would have a devastating impact on retailers and manufacturers alike. Consumers will have less choice. Youth access is simply not an issue in the premium cigar space where 35,000 Americans earn their living along with over 300,000 employees in the Caribbean Basin. If manufacturers are able to afford the costs to cut through the FDA red tape, the cost must be transferred to someone, i.e. retailers and the everyday, regular, working guy or gal that just wants to enjoy a cigar and not be forced to spend twice as much money for it. The many countries that neighbor the US will take significant losses, as many of their economies are supported by and sometimes solely dependent on the Premium Cigar industry.