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Texas Republicans will vote on whether to secede from the U.S. Here’s the backstory.

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  • Texas Republicans will vote on whether to secede from the U.S. Here’s the backstory.

    I was trying to figure out what the big deal is at the Dallas Convention Center, well this is it.

    Texas Secession Movement 2016: Lone Star State Republicans Vote To Leave The United States

    Texas wants out, again.

    The movement for the Lone Star State to secede from the United States is gaining some traction again after a state Republican committee voted Wednesday to allow delegates at Friday's state GOP convention to vote on a platform to push a divorce from the United States.

    It’s unlikely the resolution will succeed, but eager secessionists are giddy things have gotten this far.

    “It's going to be available for delegates to debate and vote on Friday during the convention," Tanya Robertson, a state Republican official who has pushed for secession before, told the Houston Chronicle. "This is pretty big. This is really pretty huge.”

    It's not the first time Texans have tried to cut ties with the world’s largest economy, which gives more monetary support to the Lone Star state than the state contributes in federal tax dollars. Texas has a rich history of independence and once claimed to be its own nation before the United States absorbed it. That independent streak manifests in many ways, like Lone Star beer's "national beer of Texas" tagline and Texas Monthly calling itself the "national magazine of Texas."

    The modern-day movement started in the 1990s. Following secessionist activity that culminated in an armed standoff in 1997, more diplomatic groups have pushed to get secessionist language onto Republican primary ballots every four years. Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry even made a thinly veiled threat in 2009 that if Washington, D.C., didn’t “listen” to the American people, then his state might cut ties. Three years later the Texas Nationalist Movement reported that its membership had increased 300 percent and that its website traffic had increased by 900 percent. A White House petition in 2012 gained some 125,000 signatures, prompting a response from the administration of President Barack Obama, which basically said no way.

    But though some Texas Republicans may want to go it alone as a country, it’s not clear other Texans are clamoring for independence. A poll taken soon after Perry’s comments showed that 75 percent of Texas residents wanted to stay in the U.S. Thirty-one percent thought their state had the right to leave, but just 18 percent said they’d vote in favor of a secession, according to the Huffington Post.

  • #2
    What a fucking waste of time. No wonder people are jumping the republican ship.


    • #3
      This pops up every few years, we cant fucking secede.


      • #4
        these dumb fucks need to read our constitution . it does not give us an option to succeed . but we can defy fed laws .


        • #5
          Originally posted by bubbaearl View Post
          these dumb fucks need to read our constitution . it does not give us an option to succeed . but we can defy fed laws .
          there are a lot of dumb people walking around this morning. That place is packed.


          • #6
            Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
            there are a lot of dumb people walking around this morning. That place is packed.
            From pictures I'm seeing most will be dead from old age in no time.


            • #7
              Originally posted by abecx View Post
              This pops up every few years, we cant fucking secede.
              Just because we "can't" doesn't mean we won't. Fact of the matter is Obama wouldn't do anything about it anyways.
              QuestionableContent-Awesome Webcomic


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jewrrick View Post
                Just because we "can't" doesn't mean we won't. Fact of the matter is Obama wouldn't do anything about it anyways.
                Please tell me you're not naive enough that you really believe this. They would send in the national guard so fucking fast.


                • #9
                  I'm not saying we should. I'm saying if we did, nothing would happen. Lots of rhetoric and posturing but ultimately nothing would come of it.
                  QuestionableContent-Awesome Webcomic


                  • #10
                    Maybe i'm not following, you're saying if Texas decided to secede that nothing would happen? I'm sure we'd become an occupied state pretty quickly.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by abecx View Post
                      Maybe i'm not following, you're saying if Texas decided to secede that nothing would happen? I'm sure we'd become an occupied state pretty quickly.
                      Sure the US military would be here but how would that be any different than them being in Germany or any other country? I guess what I'm getting at is that he wouldn't order an occupation. If things start to go that direction in a serious manner, there will be chest thumping and possibly posturing of forces but then it would give way to diplomacy. With that said, there is no way for the people that want this to accomplish it in 7-8 months so unless Bernie ends up in the Whitehouse, I see things going very differently with just about any other candidate out there right now.
                      QuestionableContent-Awesome Webcomic


                      • #12
                        I kind of want to see this happen now just to witness the resulting fallout. I wonder if we can input this data into Civilization and see what happens.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by bubbaearl View Post
                          these dumb fucks need to read our constitution . it does not give us an option to succeed . but we can defy fed laws .
                          Actually anything not specifically mentioned in the Constitution as a federal power is automatically the power of the state or people. Specific instructions are given on becoming a state, but nothing is said about leaving the union. It isn't even mentioned as not being allowed. Now the Declaration of Independance says that all men have the right to get rid of government they no longer like, so with that said the founders obviously believed it to be an option. Even after the civil war, all that blood shed and Lincoln maintaining his stance he would not let the Republic break up, there was never an amendment to refuse right of seccession. I don't even know if it was debated at tbe time. States had the right to do it, they did it, and Lincoln did his job by trying to prevent it. But after all that there has never been an amendment saying it is illegal, and since it is not mentioned it defaults back to the states. I say this without getting into the argument about it being a good or bad idea, but I have no doubt that if it were done we would be occupied by federal troops very fast, shots would be fired, and a war (possibly short) would start. I do not believe any President would sit by and do nothing in that instance.
                          I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                          Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


                          • #14
                            States can secede, just need approval of the other states.
                            Originally posted by racrguy
                            What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                            Originally posted by racrguy
                            Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                            • #15
                              Obama thinks it's ok if weirdos use the restroom with your kids! Let's secede forget that bs

