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Pilot ejects at supersonic speed and survives...

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  • Pilot ejects at supersonic speed and survives...

    I believe this happened in 1989. I hadnt heard about this until today. Pretty crazy.

    “People don’t understand what wind does to someone at that speed. If you stick your hand out as you’re driving down the highway, stick out the car window and it’ll blow it back, and that’s at sixty miles an hour.

    “Imagine doing 800 miles an hour and what that will do. It starts ripping you apart.”
    Felt like somebody had just hit me with a train. When I went out into the wind stream, it ripped the helmet right off my head, broke all the blood vessels in my head and face — my head was swollen to the size of a basketball and my lips were swollen to the size of cucumbers. My left elbow was dislocated and pointed backwards. The only thing holding my leg on was an artery, the veins, the nerve and the skin, and my left leg snapped at the bottom half. I found myself exhausted hanging in a parachute. I could feel the cool night air on my face and could hear the parachute ruffling above me.
    "People don't understand what wind does to someone at that speed. If you stick your hand out as you're driving down the highway, stick out the car window ...

  • #2
    Yeah I remember watching some documentary a few years ago that talked about how the air force developed ejection seats and what happens when pilots had to bail out at higher speeds. I don't remember if the guy they showed is the same one you posted about, but he bailed at higher speeds, suffering several broken bones including a broken leg.

    Having ridden my bike at 150+ or so that's plenty for me, so yeah I don't think I'd want to try 800.


    • #3
      Bunch o nope!


      • #4
        Gosh, it's almost like they didn't envision a way to eject during supersonic flight in the 1950s.

        When the government pays, the government controls.


        • #5
          Bad day all around. In the video it says his navigator was killed instantly upon ejection.


          • #6
            If you're not made to go supersonic, going supersonic is gonna be a bad time.

            Hell, we picked up a Tomcat crew that ejected at around 500kts once. They were both pretty badly beat up.
            "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


            • #7


              • #8
                They are, in fact, the home chicks that are rockin my world.
                "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."

