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  • Wwdfwmd?

    Let's say this is a theoretical situation. Your a business owner and have to leave for errands. You leave guys there to handle business and leave a check for when a couple trans are dropped off. Well while employee is getting said check notices other techs pay rate and hours run. Then they actually bring it up to boss when they return. Tell them to get fucked for snooping, fire them, or let them use that to get a raise?

  • #2
    Originally posted by orphan Shelby View Post
    Let's say this is a theoretical situation. Your a business owner and have to leave for errands. You leave guys there to handle business and leave a check for when a couple trans are dropped off. Well while employee is getting said check notices other techs pay rate and hours run. Then they actually bring it up to boss when they return. Tell them to get fucked for snooping, fire them, or let them use that to get a raise?

    You can't ask for a raise because some one else is being paid more, we don't live in a socialist society yet

    You set specific goals and tasks for this employee to show their worth to continue their development.

    If all things are equal you can tell them you need to discuss it further and look at the numbers before making a decision


    • #3
      Depends. If the guy is a badass, and you don't want to lose him, give him a raise. If he's average at best, you tell him to eat shit, and then find a replacement before he quits.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jluv View Post
        Depends. If the guy is a badass, and you don't want to lose him, give him a raise. If he's average at best, you tell him to eat shit, and then find a replacement before he quits.


        • #5
          Kinda how I feel. Unfortunately the home problems come to work consistantly and he don't think it's an issue among other things. Theoretically. Attitude seems to be coming on more so lately. Is it wrong to mention that nobody works on cars at his house, so dont bring your house where we work on cars?


          • #6
            I'd want to know how he saw them. If it becomes obvious that he was intentially snooping, I'd handle it different than someone who just happened to see it. Also, that's on management if it was left out insecurely ( on the desk, pulled up in the computer, etc)
            Not only does it create issues between him and management, but it can and will create problems between him and the other employees which in turn, will create problems between management and the other employees.


            • #7
              ^kind of a run on sentence so I hope it makes sense. Currently driving


              • #8
                Who's to say he won't pull this stunt again in the future?

                Now that he knows you'll fold, what's to stop him from doing this again...maybe even during a crisis situation...and his attitudes gone to shit lately...reward him now...I think not.

                Tell him to get fucked for snooping and oh by the way I might need you to train the new guy I just interviewed. Then sit back and enjoy the look on his face when he realizes how replaceable he is.


                • #9
                  He asked what DFWmustangs would do & you guys are being far to rationale. DFwstangs would hide some toot in his car and call the cops.. Just sayin....


                  • #10
                    Fire him because he isn't wearing red socks. Right to work state FTW!


                    • #11
                      What's up with the fake account?


                      • #12
                        Seems simple to me, give him the raise if he's worth it, and don't if he isn't. How to reprimand for the snooping is a separate matter, and depends on how he got access, or was given access to the info.


                        • #13
                          Real quick reply before off to work. Was suppose to get a check out of drawer is the understanding. I've had to do same thing and never thought to go beyond grabbing the check to give whoever. I may get more of the story today. And I'm trying not to mention his outburst last week. Oops I just did.
                          Who's fake acct? My only one is this one


                          • #14
                            I see no other option. You must fuck his woman.


                            • #15
                              also record it and leave it somewhere he can "find" it as well.

