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Question on Rebuilt Salvage Titles

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  • #31
    Originally posted by 4king View Post
    Yeah, but why are you buying cars like this. Youre basically buying them blindfolded without knowingmuch about cars or titles. You took a dakota you bought to resell to this dealer too for ac work right.
    Yeah, but I traded that for the F250 that I sold last weekend that I took a part of to buy this. Basically I bought a car 2 years ago, tinkered and sold it and have been rolling that into a car every few months without adding anything to it to keep myself occupied, especially since I graduated in December.

    I may keep this one. Depends on what Ford says.

    And yes, and this dealer said "It'd cost too much to fix that AC system, don't do it. Seriously, drive with the windows down."
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


    • #32
      Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
      I dropped 2k on her.
      That is a good price, especially if it is a crew cab. Salvage title isn't bad until you go to sell it; unless it was wrecked hard. The one I was looking at is 6k. More than I want to spend on it, but it is well maintained.



      • #33
        Originally posted by CyaNide View Post
        That is a good price, especially if it is a crew cab. Salvage title isn't bad until you go to sell it; unless it was wrecked hard. The one I was looking at is 6k. More than I want to spend on it, but it is well maintained.

        The guy got scrapped coming into his drive by another car which bent the passenger rear door and cracked the fiberglass fender but that's it on damage and that's on a bed he put on. The only reason I can see that it would have been salvaged would have been the steering column was busted out. Maybe stolen?
        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


        • #34
          You have a mechanic that you trust that can't replace a steering column on an old ford truck? Time to find a new mechanic.


          • #35
            Originally posted by BradM View Post
            You have a mechanic that you trust that can't replace a steering column on an old ford truck? Time to find a new mechanic.
            My mechanic died. This is a new guy I'm testing him with random stuff. So far? I like him but he didn't have a spare column laying around and the gray box was just hanging by wires. I'm pretty sure if I brought him a replacement he would replace it but....I don't blame him. I doubt Ford can fix what I brought them without ordering parts.
            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


            • #36
              LaserSVT could help. seriously. I replaced my column on my own, but he was eager to do it. a bit more on the diagnostic, and i dont think he will budge on it when you tell him you already know whats wrong, but if you are anywhere near his little shop in waco, definitely take it to him. just be sure to give him a full calendar months heads up so he can make sure to not do anything else except wait on you to show up. k?


              • #37
                Originally posted by Tremor14 View Post
                LaserSVT could help. seriously. I replaced my column on my own, but he was eager to do it. a bit more on the diagnostic, and i dont think he will budge on it when you tell him you already know whats wrong, but if you are anywhere near his little shop in waco, definitely take it to him. just be sure to give him a full calendar months heads up so he can make sure to not do anything else except wait on you to show up. k?

                My memory isn't great but here is my ad lib

                Be sure to call him too and tell him your aunt/grandma/cousin/baby mama died and even though your grandma drives a cts-v caddy you need him to hook you up and look at his car for free because on the way back from your aunts/gramdma/cousins funeral your car is overheating. That will really butter him up to give you a better deal so after he says yes be sure you don't answer your phone and ignore him for three hours past when you said you would be there

                I think I'm in the ball park on that one.


                • #38
                  i think we smokin on the same shit my nigga.


                  • #39


                    • #40
                      #MOONROCK if he got the hookup like me


                      • #41
                        I've dealt with board members on vehicle repairs before. I'm always early to those appointments, don't haggle on prices and pay in full with a smile and am thankful for a good job.

                        I think it was Blake that worked on my Mustang. I'm pretty sure we even had a beer over it.
                        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

