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What kind of irrigation system is this ?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Tremor14 View Post
    too much detail to go into right now.
    Originally posted by bcoop View Post
    It's a pretty simple answer, actually. Wouldn't have taken 30 seconds more than it took for you to post this response.
    Originally posted by zemog View Post
    this is correct, and like it or not its most likely going to be pushed in the future with all the water problems, when done properly this works great, and it does take much less water to get the same results, again , when properly done, that drip pipe is not what is used for underground lawn irrigation.

    As far as taking care of an easement, 100% of my customer base has had irrigation installed to keep there "non property" looking good, its just having pride in your lawn and landscape. Why have a beautiful property only to crap it up with a dead entry area ?
    Thanks for clarifying for these simp's. I didnt have the finger energy yesterday.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Tremor14 View Post
      The Con's are listed above. It would be moronic to think that would be a good idea to run on an easement that is technically not even your property.

      If you care about curb appeal, walk your ass down there and spray some water on the shit. If not.... wait for it.

      Hardscape that area, as that is the ideal application for any type of drip irrigation.

      I dont even think magnus would pipe a drip system to sod.
      I know jack shit about any of that, but I can look at that picture and see that they have it on the other area in the top right hand side of the picture, where it appears that they have already hydromulched. Looking at that, that brown piping is on top of the hydromulch, and to my untrained eye, all of it looks pretty temporary.

      From that picture, I would say that it's temporary to get the grass growing in those areas.
      "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


      • #33
        Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder View Post
        I know jack shit about any of that, but I can look at that picture and see that they have it on the other area in the top right hand side of the picture, where it appears that they have already hydromulched. Looking at that, that brown piping is on top of the hydromulch, and to my untrained eye, all of it looks pretty temporary.

        From that picture, I would say that it's temporary to get the grass growing in those areas.
        temporary absolutely

