I've always been a little stocky and that hasn't changed. After my stroke in 2010 I cleaned up my lifestyle and mostly stopped drinking - now a couple of beers a night is quite enough. I take handfuls of pills every day for this and that (hey I'm old) and I don't get enough exercise due to work and school. The stroke has taught me to embrace my life and live it as best I can - because some day I'll be pushing up daisies and it will all be over with.
I've always been a little stocky and that hasn't changed. After my stroke in 2010 I cleaned up my lifestyle and mostly stopped drinking - now a couple of beers a night is quite enough. I take handfuls of pills every day for this and that (hey I'm old) and I don't get enough exercise due to work and school. The stroke has taught me to embrace my life and live it as best I can - because some day I'll be pushing up daisies and it will all be over with.