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We're all getting old!

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  • We're all getting old!

    Damn.... all these ailments and issues creeping up with us.. Diverticulitus, knee injuries, stroke....

    I'll be 50 in May and I'm starting to look after my upkeep more and more as I realize that I'd like my body to last but things are bound to happen as we creep into middle age!

    Post up your overall general health with respect to age!

    Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalk
    Last edited by 93LXHORSE; 01-07-2016, 11:26 AM.

  • #2

    Pretty healthy overall. My allergies have gotten worse, but that may just be a central texas thing.

    Ive gained a little weight from 2 years ago, about 197 now...probably 13% body fat.

    No major ailments, and i hope to keep it that way. I drink less than before, and my consumption continues to drop. Especially now that hangovers last longer.

    Heavy weights have taken a toll on me, so i stick to slightly lower weight and higher reps.


    • #3
      45/m 6'3" 210
      Stroke yesterday, lying in Neuro unit hospital bed.
      Bp- 106/65
      Total cholesterol- 141
      Resting heart rate- 65
      No diabetes
      Only thing I can figure is related to occasional migraines and a shit ton of stress/anxiety.
      Will be speaking with Neurologist shortly to get more details.
      Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Winston Churchill


      • #4
        27 here

        Run 2 miles every morning and try to get in a light workout. Generally eat healthy and don't drink much these days. I am 6'4" and weigh 167 pounds.

        Had some health issues in the past and those served as a huge wake up call. Last thing I want is another hospital stay or visit (I keep a copy of my EKG from 2008 in my office to remind me of how much that sucked). Also have a printout of my labs that show my troponin-I level at 6.78 (which means your ticker is having a tough time).
        Originally posted by lincolnboy
        After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


        • #5
          38yo male
          6'5" 335 lbs
          Borderline high blood pressure, but no other issues so far.
          I drink way too much.
          I quit smoking August 1st. I was only smoking a pack every two weeks or so, but I feel better about it now. And honestly, I've had 6 or 8 cigs total since Aug, just to remind myself why I quit.

          I know I need to lose weight and cut back on the booze, and I will. Slowly.
          Last edited by jluv; 01-07-2016, 12:14 PM.


          • #6
            6'2 240lbs
            No known health issues
            I work out 2hours a day 3 days a week
            Drink enough every night to kill the average person. I'm in the process of trying to slow down but man is it hard. Luckily drinking is my only vice. I'm too scared to try anything else in fear that I'll get hooked.


            • #7
              Came through years of pretty riotous harmful living but am really in great health and weight. Take a mild blood pressure pill every day and it's working fine. Cholesterol is fine and I am 5 foot 5 and 172... Feel great but was in the ER on New Years Day with diverticulitis and an scheduled for a gastro doc on Monday.

              Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalk


              • #8
                38, 5'9, 165

                BP is good, but I don't exercise enough and I could probably cut down on drinking (about 4-6/wk)
                When the government pays, the government controls.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by razrbak View Post
                  45/m 6'3" 210
                  Stroke yesterday, lying in Neuro unit hospital bed.
                  Bp- 106/65
                  Total cholesterol- 141
                  Resting heart rate- 65
                  No diabetes
                  Only thing I can figure is related to occasional migraines and a shit ton of stress/anxiety.
                  Will be speaking with Neurologist shortly to get more details.
                  Jesus Eric! Watch that shit, bud!

                  I'll be 39 on Monday, BP hovers around normal, cholesterol is higher than giraffe pussy - according to my doc, heart rate is the same, constantly stressed with school, work, etc., blood sugar is good, testosterone is low, but in the words of a buddy "you're only as old as your dick is" and mine still works on command.

                  Been getting back in the gym, trying to tighten up diet, etc.

                  I'm still flexible and feel good, so I'll claim 28.


                  • #10
                    33, 6'2" 215

                    Ive already had knee surgury that was likely several injuries from my youth's scarring. They cleaned out the scar tissue and Ive been good since. Had to have my gallbladder out last year, and need to have some carpal tunnel surgury, along with my wisdom teeth pulled.

                    It sure has been interesting being on this board with a good number of 'regulars' to grow up with. We've gone from chats about last night in mexico and upgrades to the hotrod to people geeting married, divorced, kids, etc.
                    "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                    • #11
                      To put it in perspective, I am drinking 4-5 large and strong Crown and Cokes 5-6 nights per week, at home. It's the equivalent of about 8-10 drinks at a bar. A handle of Crown will last me about 3 nights. I'm not passing out drunk, getting sick, or waking up with hangovers, but I think that's just because of my tolerance. It's also not causing me any problems with home or work, but I figure my insides are getting pickled.


                      • #12
                        36 and overweight....shit hurts when I get up, cant stay up past 11pm with out knocking out...times have changed
                        Originally posted by Da Prez
                        Fuck dfwstangs!! If Jose ain't running it, I won't even bother going back to it, just my two cents!!
                        Originally posted by VETTKLR

                        Cliff Notes: I can beat the fuck out of a ZR1


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jluv View Post
                          To put it in perspective, I am drinking 4-5 large and strong Crown and Cokes 5-6 nights per week, at home. It's the equivalent of about 8-10 drinks at a bar. A handle of Crown will last me about 3 nights. I'm not passing out drunk, getting sick, or waking up with hangovers, but I think that's just because of my tolerance. It's also not causing me any problems with home or work, but I figure my insides are getting pickled.
                          hory shith

                          That's a lot of alcohol over time.

                          33 6'0 215-230 average
                          I am diabetic which falls right in line with my family history. Cholesterol is up and down from year to year. I think I have plantar fasciitis, a weak lower back and need my wisdom teeth pulled.


                          • #14

                            high cholesterol (Crestor once a day)
                            low T (test injections once a week)
                            limited flexibility

                            I cut back considerably on alcohol and started um... 'smoking' instead

                            pretty good otherwise


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jluv View Post
                              To put it in perspective, I am drinking 4-5 large and strong Crown and Cokes 5-6 nights per week, at home. It's the equivalent of about 8-10 drinks at a bar. A handle of Crown will last me about 3 nights. I'm not passing out drunk, getting sick, or waking up with hangovers, but I think that's just because of my tolerance. It's also not causing me any problems with home or work, but I figure my insides are getting pickled.
                              I go through a 750ml a night. Don't pass out, get sick or have hangovers.

                              I also fear my insides are dying.

