My brother had to get a colostomy bag about two and a half years ago because his colon was in such bad shape from diverticulitis after he put it off thinking it wasn't serious. Then this past year they were ditching the bag and reattaching his colon and he had all sorts of complications due to the doctors not properly reattaching everything. in addition to that they nicked his uriterer (sp?) that connects the kidney to the bladder causing it to shut down. Ultimately he landed in icu on life support for a month and was in the hospital another 4 months after that dealing with all the complications and infections. Was finally able to get the reversal at the end of the year and everything had cleared up and luckily now he's pretty much good to go but still has to deal with the kidney issue. To fix his kidney they are going to have to re-position which is similar to a transplant but with his own organ. So to make along story short don't mess with that crap cause it can turn out really bad really quick.