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Active shooter in California

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  • This has to be some type of hazing or initiation. Except I don't want anymore lollipops daddy...


    • Originally posted by Denny
      A space before and after the comma, just like worm boy.
      Have you ever used Microsoft word , or Excel? Do you know how hard it is to de-capitalize christian every time I spell it. LOOK AT MY FUCKING POSTS. Try to spell christian without it being capitalized. Habit mother fucker...DO YOU USE IT???



      • Man I've been with these guys going on 20 years. The ignorance is real. Unfortunately a logos the good ones got skimmed off the top so the 8 I refer to are at the bottom of the barrel.


        • Originally posted by Denny
          No. I'm just zeroing in.
          Oh shit. Anonymous gonna get little ole me. I hope they don't find out about the lies I've told to be accepted on this Mustang site. Sure would be a shame if I come up missing.


          • Originally posted by Denny
            This guy...
            You mean US guys. get it right damn it. Right Rodney. I mean me. I mean.....SHIT. COVER for back-up.


            • Derailed.

              Thanks again. Bitch.


              • Nobody else? Nay Nay , we made it brother. We can now begin the upload of the African American Acceptance Action Advancement All Allowed Allocation of All. Codename : AAAAAAAAoA. Mwuhahahahaha!!!!

                Oh shit , I just typed that in a thread didn't I?

                Wait , I'm what?? I'm white??

                DAMN YOU genetics!!!! damn you to Heeeeeeeeeeeeeelll!!!


                • Originally posted by BoostedD1 View Post

                  Thanks again. Bitch.
                  Oh hey!!! Would you like a sample of the Kool-Aid? It's truly delicious. Everyone has had some except for.....YOOOOOOUUUUU!!!!!


                  • That's it? Aren't you guys in a different time zone? I guess its "sexy time". I get it.


                    • they crap out early. wait for "asser64" to show up around 4am when he crawls out from under his rock. til then kemosabe.


                      • Originally posted by Denny
                        I find it interesting that worm boy and naynay both claim to be pipe fitters.

                        hows that interesting, i thought i was a plumber?


                        • Originally posted by Denny
                          I find it interesting that worm boy and naynay both claim to be pipe fitters.

                          Pipe fitter? Only on weekends when your mom doesn't have the kids...

                          Okay , mom jokes are lame. I work at Plant 10 in Spartanburg. look that up. But I'm actually lying about that too. Muhhhhwawawawawa!!!!


                          • Originally posted by FutureWormfood View Post
                            You mean US guys. get it right damn it. Right Rodney. I mean me. I mean.....SHIT. COVER for back-up.
                            text eric!


                            • How many of you typed christian? How many of you looked up Plant 10 Spartanburg? Come on....You can tell Nay Nay. I mean MEEE. Damn it.


                              • Originally posted by FutureWormfood View Post
                                Nobody else? Nay Nay , we made it brother. We can now begin the upload of the African American Acceptance Action Advancement All Allowed Allocation of All. Codename : AAAAAAAAoA. Mwuhahahahaha!!!!

                                Oh shit , I just typed that in a thread didn't I?

                                Wait , I'm what?? I'm white??

                                DAMN YOU genetics!!!! damn you to Heeeeeeeeeeeeeelll!!!
                                lmmmffaoo lololol

