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Worst Boss you have ever had

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  • Worst Boss you have ever had

    I have a pretty solid relationship with my boss now, but I have had some real dirtbags as bosses.

    I have had bosses who stole their sales teams accounts and "closed" them himself so he wouldnt have to pay commission, use tons of pirated business class software yet he would at the same time remotely disable anyone who was not paying their licenses on his software, and a bunch of other low low shit.

    Anyone else had some real winners as bosses?

  • #2
    honestly, nothing too bad, though there's still plenty of time to change that. just your typical douchebag stuff, cutting hours to get you to quit, etc...


    • #3
      Yea, I've worked for one jerk. But I'm also very happy that he passed me over for a bonus back in 2004. That was the kick in the ass that pissed me off enough to do something. Exactly one week after getting passed over for that bonus, I had a job as a contractor at Microsoft. That was the real start of my career.


      • #4
        My old boss "Lasereyes" from the cheese factory:

        When I worked on a line once, we got a round of new bosses because they hired a bunch of college kids at once. I got a new boss that seemed ineffectual, but nothing I couldn't handle. One day I randomly got flashed in the eyes by a laser very briefly. We used laser scanners up and down the line, so I didn't think anything of it. I presumed it was accidental. Then it started increasing. When it switched colors to green, I realized it was a pointer and that it was intentional. That made me pretty annoyed, as it had been happening for weeks at that point, so I was kind of stewing as I went to take my break. I was contemplating how I was going to catch this person when I got full on zapped directly in my eye, and turned to find my boss, laughing and carrying an underling that was a real asshole. We took a trip to HR about it, and my boss was made to give me the weakest apology I've ever received. It sucked.
        Last edited by YALE; 11-30-2015, 11:49 PM.


        • #5
          The first boss I had in the oilfield was terrible.
          I tested emissions and we would have to do state tests with an outside testing company. So the company would follow me to each site then get setup and start their 4hr test. I would go to the next location and get the next engine setup. So one particular day my brilliant boss schedules 2 tests in one day. One test in Itasca and the other in Poolville. We're supposed to keep our hrs below 10/day. He tried to write me up for taking too long the day. 2 4hr tests 90miles a part and they paid travel time to and from home. Apparently I should've done it a lot faster then 12hrs.
          This same boss couldnt figure out basic math when it came time driving. I took 8hrs for one state test. The ranch had a strict 10mph speed limit. The engine was 13miles from the guard shack. So 2 1/2hrs was drive time and 5hrs for a test. He flipped out said it should've taken 5hrs tops. Again he tried to write me up for it and it was thrown out.
          One time I did a 15min spot test on an engine and it failed due to his O2. Which usually means an exhaust leak somwhere. I sampled at the tail pipe then before the muffler, at the exhaust elbow on the exhaust manifold and had the exact same O2 reading at every point. I ran a cylinder leak down test and it failed on cyl#6 @ 60% loss. Told my boss it needed a head and he said if the head was bad it would've had low compression. Instead he had me replace the tail pipe, muffler, re-wrap the catalyst 3 times, swap in brand new catalysts, changed the pipe from the manifold to the catalyst housing and nothing changed. He ordered an entire new exhaust system then went on vacation before the parts came in. I borrowed a borescope from another supervisor and went and found a chunk missing out of the exhaust valve seat on cylinder #6. Called the mechanic and they swapped the head. Ran the test and the high O2 was gone. Boss gets back and calls me to the office Tues morning. I come in and he starts yelling that Im insubordinate and he writing me up and he's gonna have me fired. Luckily the supervisor I borrowed the borescope from overheard him yelling and came and stood in his doorway. He pointed to my boss and laid into him something fierce. Told my boss that he was the biggest freaking idiot and some other choice words then told me I was free to go back to work. The next day he asked me to be on his crew instead.


          • #6


            • #7
              Originally posted by Tremor14 View Post


              • #8
                I once got fired for not being "loyal" to my boss/company. It was my first job in the industry I'm in now, and I was making $12.75/hr. I interviewed for a position with a vendor, for a job that paid $35,000/yr and the Owner found out. I had no future at that company. I could see his point if I had interviewed with a competitor. Going to a vendor, I could have helped him out in regards to discounts and programs. When I got the position I interviewed for, I instead chose to refuse any and all business he had. My father worked at the same place when this happened and quit a year later, which forced them to close their doors.
                Originally posted by BradM
                But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                Originally posted by Leah
                In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                • #9
                  A few douchebags, but nothing too major.

                  My second job ever was at Radio Shack, and the boss there took Christmas Eve off, but gave us a shit ton of stuff to do, completely rearranging the store. Said we couldn't leave until it was all done. It was Christmas fucking Eve and my family was waiting on me. I worked my butt off, but finally left at 11 PM with no end in sight. I felt bad for the others who stayed, but I'd had enough. I got chewed out the next week, but not fired.

                  Then, I had a job at Southwestern Bell/Cingular, selling mobile phone service. I kicked ass at that job but went through a partying phase and showed up late a lot. I was on thin ice but had turned it around for a while, bring early for several weeks, when I overslept one day and was going to be over an hour late. I thought I was fired for sure, so I called the boss and told him it was nice knowing ya. He said not to worry about it and to come on in. I got there and we talked and he swore it was no problem and that he would put his neck on the line to keep me around. I went right back to coming in early again with no slip ups, and then about two weeks later, I get called in and fired for that prior incident. I have myself to blame, but he was a dick for lying to me just to get the place covered for a while.

                  At my last job, I had a lazy old geezer as a boss, and we had butted heads a few times over dumb shit. He tried his best to build a case against me to run me off, but I put together a folder full of reports and numbers and evidence that shot holes through all of his bs, and took it to HR to give them my side of the story just as they were getting ready to fire me. I ended up getting a new, better position, and the brass made him take me out to lunch and apologize. It was lame, though, and the damage was done. He eventually got fired for being a lazy turd, and I moved on to a much better company.


                  • #10
                    My last gig, I turned out to be a great fit with my first boss. We put our heads together and he let me try things that mostly all helped and made the company a ton of extra profit. We were promoted, and then he went to head up another area. The guy that they brought in from another area was a pain in the ass to say the least. I was then trying to do my job, spread out all over north Texas and Louisiana, while also attempting to do about half of his job. I honestly couldn't be in all the places doing all the things he wanted me to do, and he blamed me. When profits started declining, I tried to reason with the uppers as to why, though he was the "golden boy" and wouldnt task me with more than was possible. I ended up tossing my resignation letter on the table at a meeting with the state management, president and VP over it all. They offered to move me to Austin with my old manager, but I was fed up. Turned out that I bailed right before they went national, and I was slated to be out of town 3 weeks out of the month.
                    "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                    • #11
                      I my time I have rarely worked for other people and the ones I did work for were pretty good guys. I can say that I expect more from myself then anyone else ever has or could and that I am my own worst boss.
                      Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                      • #12
                        My boss at the last job was a true, grade A cocksucker. I hate that guy, but we are in a very connected and small industry in DFW so I was always very cordial (until the very end when it was necessary to no longer be as cordial) and never spoke badly to others in the industry about the guy. Since I've left I've heard from numerous people who knew/worked with him that said they thought he was a real asshole as well.
                        Originally posted by davbrucas
                        I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

                        Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

                        You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


                        • #13
                          Bryan Schimal @ USA Motorsports


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by JETFAST View Post
                            Bryan Schimal @ USA Motorsports
                            Meth is a hellava drug!
                            Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                            Would you like your reparations in 5.56mm or 7.62mm?


                            • #15
                              Watched that guy fuck everything he had, right down the drain over that shit.

