On a positive note my son with autism is the one who loves mustangs and helps out with it and loves when I can pick him up from school in it.
My son is obsessed with trains and cars. He's also very fascinated by wheels in general. He gets fixated on the train sounds though, and no external stimuli will distract him from that. It gets frustrating, to say the least.
I'd get a second opinion and work on it at home first. Autism is so over diagnosed/medicated that I wouldn't trust one opinion.
Terrible advice.
Originally posted by Denny
My son tested within the autism spectrum, but not actually autistic. He has a sensory processing disorder. He is highly intelligent, so no insurance plan would ever cover any specialized treatment or learning. We had to do a ton of research and create an environment for learning, living, coping, etc.
Same here. Age has helped a lot too. Still, it's hard to watch her be uncomfortable in her own skin, let alone trying to find clothes she can live with.
StangTamer does indeed have at least one autistic child, possibly two? He also posted here not too long ago in the GTO thread in the garage. Might be worth shooting him a PM. He's certainly got a lot of experience at it.
Originally posted by BradM
But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
suggesting a second opinion is never terrible advice.
Second opinion isn't, but "working on it at home" is. That would suggest that they aren't already and he's said that the month of therapy they've had is already showing results.
Early therapy is hugely important in dealing with Autism.
Is autism the new ADD/ADHD? I know several people with children that are autistic. I know nothing about autism but my son had issues with speaking (2 yrs old) and it had the doc worried, they suggested speech therapy, someone came to our house and worked with him for like 6 months, I don't think it did anything he just naturally figured it out over time. My wife and I discussed it and if our daughter had the same "issues" we would just let it slide unless it got really bad.
My youngest son has a mild case of Schizencephaly (a rare brain disorder, check out info at wearerare.com). My insurance at work was so expensive (thanks obama) theres no way i could afford it. With the help of the above website and other groups we managed to get him on SSI/medicaid while im not a huge fan of the system it saved my ass on this one.
But definitely look into your local isd programs. And not just at one school, we enrolled our son into one school and quickly withdrew him and placed him into another school in the district. The difference is night and day, the teachers (some) that run those programs are a god send and are definitely doing it for the rewards and not the money.
My best friends son had severe autism. He suffered drop attack seizures, and passed away last year at age 16. He was diagnosed early, but the severity was not known at the time. He had so many issues in his life, it was very hard to watch. He had some success with a cetocenic(sp) diet. After watching several documentaries, CBD would have been an option for him due to the frequency of his seizures. At one point, he was having hundreds a day. By the time that treatment was an option, he was already gone.
Do not take this condition lightly. Do not try to work on him from home.
He is no longer screaming every time one little thing is out of order.
Sounds like my 17mo daughter, I figured it was just her personality and we would be playing hardball with her if it continues. She is a complete contrast to my son. How old is your son?