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Sleep Apnea - Sleep Studys

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  • #46
    sorry... half of us are fat, and the other half are bald...

    Then you have the extremely unfortunate bald and fat ones!


    • #47
      I'm not denying either, though I can honestly say that I've never had an issue getting a good night's sleep. I've always been able to sleep through a hurricane/tornado.

      It's your daily habits that have the most effect on your sleep patterns, whether it be caffeine intake, regular exercise, level of activity in the evenings, when you lay down, etc. Binge drinking will screw you up for a weekend, but not typically effect the rest of the week, in my experience at least.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Silverback View Post
        sorry... half of us are fat, and the other half are bald...

        Then you have the extremely unfortunate bald and fat ones!
        Guilty of both

        Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
        2015 F250 Platinum


        • #49
          Originally posted by Blackout View Post
          I got tested about 4 years ago. Got a cpap and it has worked great. I was told surgery wasn't even an option for me. So I just keep using the cpap. I've been looking into other options but haven't found anything that works yet. If the operation is an option you you dude I'd say go for that. The cpap is kind of a pain in the ass. You have to haul it around with you every time you travel and that's a headache. Also you have to keep spending money on hoses, masks, filters, water, cleaner and a new machine if something happens to the one you have and it will. Plus you have to get regular sleep study's to make sure the pressure is still good or do you need less or more. I could go on and on. Good luck with this.
          You have one of the ones that takes water? Mine doesn't and it's perfectly quiet. I also turned off the ramp so as soon as it's on, it's running top out. I've had mine about 4 years and lost 100 pounds and am actually on my last semester in school with a 3.9 gpa. Sleep does a mind good.

          Just a tip though, that cpap machine is a medical device and doesn't count as a carry on if you fly. You can load that bag down with all sorts of stuff and it is free carry on.
          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


          • #50
            Originally posted by Silverback View Post
            just like all science and medicine it's a crock of shit designed to get you to spend more money.

            I prescribe half a bottle of whiskey a night, and you'll sleep like a baby.
            Hell yea! My personal prescription is a bottle of Knob Creek per night!


            • #51
              My old man has sleep apnea and had surgery years ago. Symptom free today and no cpap or meds needed.

              I'm skinny and have all my hair at 35, and I sleep like a baby. Although, I was diagnosed with narcolepsy at 14. I can pass out anywhere, seconds after closing my eyes. Power naps are easy, this probably helps me stay awake more than any pill/caffeine.

              Oh, and folks that take meds to sleep are fucking stupid. Seriously. That is all!


              • #52
                Originally posted by Baba Ganoush View Post
                My old man has sleep apnea and had surgery years ago. Symptom free today and no cpap or meds needed.

                I'm skinny and have all my hair at 35, and I sleep like a baby. Although, I was diagnosed with narcolepsy at 14. I can pass out anywhere, seconds after closing my eyes. Power naps are easy, this probably helps me stay awake more than any pill/caffeine.

                Oh, and folks that take meds to sleep are fucking stupid. Seriously. That is all!
                I would offer you to see what I see every time I close my eyes as to why I can only sleep on Ambien.
                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                  I would offer you to see what I see every time I close my eyes as to why I can only sleep on Ambien.
                  Your condition is definitely an exception, but I'd really hope you could sleep without it, or with a different remedy you haven't tried/discovered, rather than your doctor poisoning you and setting you up for more issues down the road.


                  • #54
                    Nah, if I dont' take it I run for days until I start hallucinating and am sedated. Sleep is a little bitch and my dreams wake me up almost as soon as I hit REM and according to the nice doctors at the VA, without my CPAP, I stop breathing 70 times a minute.

                    Ambien isn't really poison. It has no toxic level and I've been on it about 8 years. Give or take anyway. If it's Ambien that gets me instead of my heart exploding due to constant overdrive from the adrenaline that is usually running strong or me looking up and passing out somewhere, I'm good with going in my sleep.

                    I did know a guy that used to crush up 3 and snort it and follow it up with a tea glass of bourbon to get to sleep.
                    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                      Nah, if I dont' take it I run for days until I start hallucinating and am sedated. Sleep is a little bitch and my dreams wake me up almost as soon as I hit REM and according to the nice doctors at the VA, without my CPAP, I stop breathing 70 times a minute.

                      Ambien isn't really poison. It has no toxic level and I've been on it about 8 years. Give or take anyway. If it's Ambien that gets me instead of my heart exploding due to constant overdrive from the adrenaline that is usually running strong or me looking up and passing out somewhere, I'm good with going in my sleep.

                      I did know a guy that used to crush up 3 and snort it and follow it up with a tea glass of bourbon to get to sleep.
                      an hour?
                      "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                      • #56
                        Maybe an hour. Evidently I was getting violent in my sleep because the apnea would trigger the worst of the nightmares to force me awake so I would be able to breathe. Not a fun time. They're still there, just not as graphic if that makes any sense.

                        That said, I had my first flashback in years the other day. I found a gatorneck that I hadn't had since Iraq. I popped it on for Halloween as part of my costume and I was there again. Saw, heard, felt everything immediately. It was kind of neat.
                        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by fordracing19 View Post
                          I need to get a sleep study done. I feel the same way and get plenty of sleep and snore like a freight train

                          Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
                          Took my sleep test Thursday night. Go back Wednesday for another test with cpap. Dr also said I need to lose 60 pounds.

                          Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
                          2015 F250 Platinum


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Gaber View Post
                            I went to Simple Sleep Services, and tested positive for sleep apnea. I did the at home over night study, and purchased the custom made mouth guard piece. It's suppose to move your lower jaw forward, suppress your tongue, and open your airway.

                            I tried it for the first time last night, and son of a bitch did I sleep like total shit. First words I heard the next morning - honey, it doesn't work. Damnit. They said to come back and they can adjust the guard, move it forward more. I think I just bought a worthless $500 piece of plastic.
                            My dentist just recommended a sleep study (not fat, but just recently started working out again), so I paid $175 for it, took the machine home, hooked it up, and returned it the following day. I just left the Dentist's office and he said I stopped breathing on average 10 secs per time, 23 times per hour. He said it was moderate sleep apnea. He then said I needed a $1400 mouthguard. I told him I would like a second opinion, there has to be a cheaper alternative. Where are you guys going to get your cpap machines?

                            Originally posted by txstangnut View Post
                            check with your insurance and see what is covered. If they payed for the sleep study they may pay for cpap or mouth guards. My cpap was 500 because I did not have my deductable met yet.
                            Yea, my dentist said I needed one, to the tune of $1400.

                            Originally posted by fordracing19 View Post
                            Took my sleep test Thursday night. Go back Wednesday for another test with cpap. Dr also said I need to lose 60 pounds.

                            Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
                            What did you end up doing? How has it worked out?


                            • #59
                              My debaucle started in Oct, FINALLY i have a final appt to discuss my options in march.
                              Did the sleep home study
                              Did the sleep test in the office ( sucks )

                              Apparently i have severe sleep apnea. I cant to see what kind of energy i willl have when i get a good nights sleep. I dont even like going out after 8pm now becuase i know i will be exhausted.


                              • #60
                                I did 2 overnight sleep test in the office. I am on a Cpap machine now at almost the highest setting before going to a Bipap machine. It has made me feel a lot better. Most nights from the time I put the mask on until morning I sleep straight through. I would love to drop some weight and not be on the machine but I think weight isn't the issue for me. I have always snored like crazy even as a kid before I got fat.
                                2015 F250 Platinum

