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¿Common Core?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Magnus View Post
    Rodnanay refreshing this thread like crazy every time it's back at the top of new posts.
    (in your head) - rent free


    • #32
      early 2000's Desoto alumni here.... Fun times.... Fun times...


      • #33
        Birdville ISD is skraight gangsta, bleeee dat!
        "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


        • #34
          Originally posted by Denny
          When we first decided to home school our kids, we were looked at as crazy. By people we knew, strangers, family, etc. Now, we are constantly asked what type of curriculum we use, how to balance social activities, budgeting and many other questions by people wanting to do the same.

          My two youngest are far more advanced and live happier lives because of it.
          Same here. Our in-laws think we are weird because we get honey, some milk, butter, eggs, cheese, from someone local with a farm. Not religiously, as we do still buy from the store too sometimes. Once in a while I still meet someone who think the biggest crime is that homeschool kids aren't "socialized" which is a huge load of BS. They have friends all over the neighborhood they run around with and they aren't looked at as weird. They do theatre, music, sports, proms with other kids just like anyone else.


          • #35
            Remove the requirement for kids to go to class, and let capitalism sort it out. That was sickening.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Denny
              It is removed in several states. Texas being one of them. We can homeschool our children without government oversight. We can school them up to 12th grade, give them a transcript and a diploma. The State of Texas views my wife as a legitimate private school. Hell, she can even 501c3 the school, if she wanted.
              you should make one of them repeat a grade just to fuck with them


              • #37
                homeschool done right.


                • #38
                  ^^^ That movie is awesome!
                  "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by sc281 View Post
                    A few hundred years from now we're going to have a planet populated by dindu's and other assorted morons. They will look up at things like the hoover dam and mount Rushmore wondering aloud "what giants must have lived in the past that could build things like THAT."

                    Welcome to the next dark age my friends. This time it's more than just a figure of speech.
                    It's moronageddon!!!!


                    • #40
                      The Halle Berry skit from that movie is fucking greats. Hugh Jackman's too.

