You know you really enjoy a site when you find yourself referencing quotes from people on here and making sure you check-in everyday to keep up to date with everything.
I found this site years ago and had no idea what I was getting myself into. Low and behold I've maintained composure, met some great people, and actually learned a bit about mustangs.
Also, just seeing how close knit so many are here was a great addition to being a part of this site. You can truely see how close of family many are by what has taken place and how they have come together here.
I'm glad I found this place and have met several of you so far with hopefully meeting more in the future.
Hey Craig. I can relate to what you are saying as many others here do. DFWstangs will never be the same. Its gone and trying to make it come back aint gonna happen. The new owners dont understand who we are, and thats fine. Look at it this way...The old mustang is sold and gone, but the new ride is in. Im just glad that someone thought enough of us all to put this site in place. Not only, but with DFWstang join date and post count.