Some may say that on here or elsewhere, but there is no reason to have a CHL if one has no intention of following the laws regarding it.
You guys possess binary thinking.
Having a CHL when you intend to carry anywhere no matter what keeps the person who is carrying from having to break the law 24/7 instead of just doing it every now and then.
The law is what is wrong; not the person who is being forced to break an unjust law. What I have on my person, in my car, or in my home is no one else's business.
Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.
Having a CHL when you intend to carry anywhere no matter what keeps the person who is carrying from having to break the law 24/7 instead of just doing it every now and then.
The law is what is wrong; not the person who is being forced to break an unjust law. What I have on my person, in my car, or in my home is no one else's business.
I plead ignorance but if THIS is truly what all the gun control whining is about, then i will jump on the bandwagon. Guns arent for me, but if the only issue is "gun free zones", then i am truly all against it.
The law is what is wrong; not the person who is being forced to break an unjust law. What I have on my person, in my car, or in my home is no one else's business.
I don't know if anyone on here really cares about what you have on your person, in your car, or in your home. I certainly do not.
True story. no one here is a drunk and a wife beater. lol Sure a bunch of perfect people here.. Guy was shot, has a kid on the way and all some can find to do is bash his friend, fucking glass house.
Shit it's been a long day. He basically died and came back to life. Injuries are pretty devastating The bullet fragmented into several pieces. Two of which lodged into his Lungs. Peace shattered his jaw and other serious injuries in his mouth. Right how he's in critical condition. On life-support in a coma.
He's what I've learned. He wasn't even fighting he was trying to brake it up. And was separating guys. When this coward piece of shit creeped up on him from behind and shot him execution style. My friend Rick did not even see it coming.
Without my gun hobby. I would cut off my own dick and let the rats eat it...