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Anyone here been involved with historical reenactments?

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  • Anyone here been involved with historical reenactments?

    Its been an interest of mine and today I got to talk with some today. I am not interested in the full out war reenactors, but the wild west shootout type. Has anyone else been involved or thought about it?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Frank View Post
    Its been an interest of mine and today I got to talk with some today. I am not interested in the full out war reenactors, but the wild west shootout type. Has anyone else been involved or thought about it?
    Never thought about doing it, but summer '16 we're planning a trip to Deadwood, SD and Wyoming's Devil's Tower.

    Deadwood has a shootout every few hours or so I think.


    • #3
      Sounds cool. Look into it more and get involved. I wouldn't think it would be too hard to get into, but that is mainly because I assume most of them aside from themepark type stuff is volunteer. I could be entirely wrong on that but if you are interested then try it out if you can.

      Might want to talk to svo about it as I understand he pioneered the industry.
      I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

      Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


      • #4
        Just go to pleasant grove, they don't dress period correct but they do the gunslinger re-enactment.


        • #5
          I use to do that shit religiously as a kid. It was fun and I'll still go to a couple. But mainly it's just to campout, drink beer, and fuck off with guns and vehicles.


          • #6
            Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
            Sounds cool. Look into it more and get involved. I wouldn't think it would be too hard to get into, but that is mainly because I assume most of them aside from themepark type stuff is volunteer. I could be entirely wrong on that but if you are interested then try it out if you can.

            Might want to talk to svo about it as I understand he pioneered the industry.
            I met up with and talked to some members of Lone Star Legacy. They are very strict about authenticity of dress. The period clothing isn't necessarily all that much more expensive than any other quality western wear. Apparently there is a real need for some guys at the Fort Worth Stockyards for shows, but that's too far for me to drive for a regular gig.


            • #7
              Deadwood is fantastic.

