Originally posted by LANTIRN
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So how's Irving pd doing after arresting a kid?
Originally posted by Gasser64 View PostOk but notice I never said it would put a complete stop to it. When they rounded up the japs in ww2, they knew it couldn't put a complete stop to anything someone might try. But it goes a long way towards minimizing it. The odds are, you'll deport a fairly significant amount of terrorist sympathizers, (and probably a few terrorists) which we all know this particular religion is prone to, since its IN the religion to be a terrorist sympathizer. No need to make things easy for them. No need to let them have access to any help, or easy shelter. Then, in 50 years, when things have simmered down, we can talk about allowing it again. I'm totally not against that.
Here is your quote from #125
You'll notice I carefully didn't mention them lol. The natural born ones, are a bit different than the dirt worshipers from overseas. Being brought up in the good life, has a certain well known effect on people. No one can deny that. Notice how certain religions here, tend to sort of just gloss over certain aspects of their religion, in order to keep their good life going? Islam isn't immune to that. Any religion can be infected and totally corrupted by the good life. Just like at all the rich "muslims" who live their whole lives in saudi. Oh yeah, they're real muslims alright.
Edit: The phrase "all Nazis were Germans, but not all Germans were Nazis" comes to mind. All Islamic terrorists are Muslim, but not all Muslims are Islamic terrorists or even sympathizers. There are some who do not support this stuff (King of Jordan comes to mind, for instance). That is what I am trying to get across but you keep going back and forth on who is required to do what.
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Originally posted by LANTIRN View PostHow do you explain the US born individuals who have been caught going to fight with isis? John Walker Lindh? What about Timothy McVeigh who was born here and blew up the federal building? The kid in the DC Beltway sniper attacks who was a natural citizen? There are a lot of examples of people born and raised in America to the "good life" as you put it who have done bad things, some in the name of religion, some not. Point is, being born here (muslim or not) does not prevent people from doing terrible things. So how do you explain Lindh or the DC Sniper kid who did shit in the name of islam and were born here?
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I hate the adult poor version of jayden smith that won't stop posting.
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Originally posted by VaderTT View PostYes, he hates not having money.
Would you hate not having money.
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Originally posted by CWO View PostI despise coming to a full stop
Quit changing the wording. The word is Hate. Use it in a sentence.
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