Originally posted by Forever_frost
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The first teacher that saw it should have taken the clock from him informing him that it was cool but not a good idea to have at school. The teacher could have simply given it back to him at the end of the day with instructions to not bring it back (and noted it in his records). End of discussion. Once another teacher saw the clock, protocol should have been to notify administration, evacuate the area, detain the kid there until he's either cleared or needed to be hauled away, and notify proper channels to investigate the 'device'. Had that been their reaction, it wouldn't be a problem.
I'm more upset that everyone is calling it profiling. First, call a spade a spade -- who is using IED's to blow stuff up? Second, every person who brings such a device to a public place should go through the same process handled as described above, not the rush to slap cuffs on and haul him away. Just my .02.
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