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  • Masseuse

    Any of you guys ever go get massages? A friend's dad got me talked into them back in my early lifting days, he was an accomplished bodybuilder himself. He was Mr. AZ back in 1995. Don't remember the competition specifically. Anyway he claimed that it expedited healing (from workouts) and was just all around good for the bodybuilder to get regular massages.

    Now that I'm back into lifting, it sounds like something that would fucking feel great. Anyone here get them? Who do you use? Who is good in the fort worth area? I've been to some that aren't worth going back to.

  • #2
    To completion.


    • #3
      did that guy just insinuate that he too is an accomplished body builder?


      • #4
        Yes, I do believe he did!


        • #5
          To comp!etion is the massuse house I go to.


          • #6
            Not you, the gassy guy.


            • #7
              Have one of your buddies rub you down.

              and be sure to work on your core!


              • #8
                oh and start putting in a leg day or two, god damn.


                • #9
                  Says the racist twig


                  • #10
                    come on man, you're better than this, dont let me start getting you all hot n bothered too!

                    serious question for the OP, Is it really Justin McKinney?

                    Sometimes it's best to put your pic up on Linked in


                    • #11
                      Ask SS junk. Hes got some bodies that may have been able to tell him he should know it all.

                      Ive never had a full massage but the limited ones ive had for muscle tightness and knots really helped for a few weeks.

                      Theres not a chance in hell I would have gotten one after a powerlifting workout. I would guess a BB workout is worse.


                      • #12
                        Massages are great for minimizing muscle soreness, and speeding up recovery, but can get expensive to do regularly. Its not like you will suddenly blow up like Arnold though, it's more about pain management, and not necessarily a performance enhancement. You'd be better off putting those 100's to use for that hour.


                        • #13
                          I get a massage with a chiro visit every month. I went every week for the first 3 months to get everything straightened out. It's made a huge difference for me with knots, general stiffness etc. But then again, I am not an accomplished bodybuilder, lolz.
                          Originally posted by davbrucas
                          I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

                          Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

                          You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


                          • #14
                            If you're looking for a place in FW I go here every couple of months or so and they do a good job:

                            I've also gone to a real sports therapy guy who works with TCU's football players, and he is freaking awesome if you have a specific issue. I would have to find his card though
                            Last edited by jakesford; 09-09-2015, 08:35 PM.


                            • #15
                              I've used them before many times and even used to date a massage therapist so I learned a lot about what they do and why. From what I've found as long as I make sure they are licensed in the state of Texas I end up getting a well knowledgeable therapist, also don't called them masseuse, call them therapists. I also find not going cheap for one or I'll end up having to goto someone else to fix the bullshit they did. Unless I'm spending $100+ an hour for a massage, I find that they appropriate the previous sentiment. I prefer 90 minutes Swedish massage as it lowers my blood pressure.

                              Also cant stress enough, if you do go weekly or even monthly learn breathing techniques ( its pretty simple, just take deep breaths from your belly and exhale when they put pressure ) and do not to fight the therapist, they will thank you by going deeper into the muscle as it will take much less effort and its easier on their hands. If you dont, they'll pretty much back off and say fuck you because their hands arent worth digging into your muscle if you're just going to fight them the entire time.

                              I also dont believe in aromotherapy or that shit, but try and get some tea tree oil because that shit makes me skin feel a billion times better.
                              Last edited by abecx; 09-09-2015, 08:51 PM.

