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Anyone here have a Savannah cat?

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  • #46
    Buncha fuckin pussies is in here.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Tremor14 View Post
      Buncha fuckin pussies is in here.
      Dont make me sick a Savannah on you!
      Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


      • #48
        We have an F2. Very cool cat. She loves the water and will get into the bath tub with my boys when she can. She is about 5 months old and pretty close to a full grown cat in size, just kinda long and lanky. Not sure how big she'll get. She seems to be busy all the time and doesn't sleep a lot like cats we've had in the past. Where ever we go in the house she has to be there with us. This cat has an awesome vertical jump too. Nothing up high in the house is safe.

        We have her on a raw diet and use pine pellets for litter.


        • #49
          Originally posted by s1lv3r View Post
          We have an F2. Very cool cat. She loves the water and will get into the bath tub with my boys when she can. She is about 5 months old and pretty close to a full grown cat in size, just kinda long and lanky. Not sure how big she'll get. She seems to be busy all the time and doesn't sleep a lot like cats we've had in the past. Where ever we go in the house she has to be there with us. This cat has an awesome vertical jump too. Nothing up high in the house is safe.

          We have her on a raw diet and use pine pellets for litter.
          That is the one thing holding me back from the F5. I want the size of an F2 or F3. A friends sister breeds them and she has some F6Cs right now but they look like they will only be regular cat size. I want a big one. I just cant swing the cost of the purer ones. If you dont mind me asking, what did the F2 run you and is it a good breeder and are they local? I would love to see some pictures of her.
          Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


          • #50
            Here are the F6Cs at 8 weeks old:

            Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


            • #51
              I am also looking for a Bengal or Savanna cat. Are there any good breeders in thew DFW area?

              I have a Hungarian Vizsla, so he needs a big cat to keep him busy.
              1995 Cobra #404
              1994 Cobra #1968 **traded**
              1991 LX Hatch 5.0-Sold


              • #52
                My Maine Coon is a jerk. Pet him twice, he runs off. Screws up everything in house either by claw or pee, poop.

                Yet when I wake up in the mornings, he is by my side. Best b-day present ever in '07 from my Mom.

                Had over my life Dogs, Cats, birds, goat, rats, rabbits, snake as pets. Each had high and low points.
                Some cars and a bike...

                Some say... they have been raced, some a lot


                • #53
                  Originally posted by LaserSVT View Post
                  That is the one thing holding me back from the F5. I want the size of an F2 or F3. A friends sister breeds them and she has some F6Cs right now but they look like they will only be regular cat size. I want a big one. I just cant swing the cost of the purer ones. If you dont mind me asking, what did the F2 run you and is it a good breeder and are they local? I would love to see some pictures of her.
                  I'll try to get some pics up with her and our Blue Heeler(10 weeks old) for size reference. They're wrestling around right now, LOL.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by TX_Snake View Post
                    I am also looking for a Bengal or Savanna cat. Are there any good breeders in thew DFW area?

                    I have a Hungarian Vizsla, so he needs a big cat to keep him busy.
                    This breeder is in the Rockwall area. They had an F1 there when we visited.


                    • #55
                      Never been into a cat person's house that didn't smell bad. Well, I take that back. There are people who have outdoor cats, that don't seem to have the smell.


                      • #56
                        My house has 2 cats and it does not smell. If the box is cleaned once a day and new litter added it's not a problem. My parents have 4 dogs in a house. it smells like something died in there


                        • #57
                          I like cats but treat them as indifferently as they treat me. If they want attention, and I am in the mood, I will pet them. If not, I will shoo them away.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by QIK46 View Post
                            My house has 2 cats and it does not smell. If the box is cleaned once a day and new litter added it's not a problem. My parents have 4 dogs in a house. it smells like something died in there
                            I have my doubts, my guess would be that you just live there so you don't notice. I guarantee you if I went in there, it smells different than a house with no animals. Its not just the poop smell, its their hair and skin as well. Only way I'd believe you is if you bathed the cats every single day, thoroughly. I've never been to someone's house who had an indoor pet, that didn't have an undesirable smell. And they always say you can't smell it.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Denny
                              Dude, if you have cats, your house has a bit of a funk to it. You're just used to it.
                              Don't call him Dude, man.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Denny
                                Dude, if you have cats, your house has a bit of a funk to it. You're just used to it.
                                Yep...when we first got our cat...the box was upstairs since no one uses the second floor. Even with it being cleaned daily, i could smell a light smell of scent cover ups and dirty if i went upstairs.

                                My garage on the other hand smells of permanent bondo, fiberglass and other chemicals. The cat box barely makes a dent and that cat absolutely loves staying in the garage even though he has a little door to the inside of the house.

                                My dog can also contribute to the smell if shes been in the heat or swimming. But normally...dogs dont stink like cat boxes.

                                But cooking also stinks, trash stinks, chemicals stink, etc i could care less.

