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Anyone here have a Savannah cat?

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  • #61
    My roommate has a cat and it serves no purpose in this life. Claws furniture, leaves hair everywhere, doesn't catch mice, doesn't let anyone pet it, and makes groaning noises in the middle of the night. Why would anyone wants a little sack of shit like that?


    • #62
      Originally posted by TeeShock View Post
      My roommate has a cat and it serves no purpose in this life. Claws furniture, leaves hair everywhere, doesn't catch mice, doesn't let anyone pet it, and makes groaning noises in the middle of the night. Why would anyone wants a little sack of shit like that?
      Thats the risk you take with cats. They can be complete shit like that. My cat kills bugs non stop. Thats part of why he loves the garage. Itll scare the wife when he comes in with a big wolf spider half alive in his mouth, but i told her its a good thing hes doing his job and killing everything smaller than him


      • #63
        Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
        Yep...when we first got our cat...the box was upstairs since no one uses the second floor. Even with it being cleaned daily, i could smell a light smell of scent cover ups and dirty if i went upstairs.

        My garage on the other hand smells of permanent bondo, fiberglass and other chemicals. The cat box barely makes a dent and that cat absolutely loves staying in the garage even though he has a little door to the inside of the house.

        My dog can also contribute to the smell if shes been in the heat or swimming. But normally...dogs dont stink like cat boxes.

        But cooking also stinks, trash stinks, chemicals stink, etc i could care less.
        YOUR ass stinks too


        • #64
          I have 17 F1's, been trying to give them away for weeks. Just PM my other account for details, white88.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Denny
            Dude, if you have cats, your house has a bit of a funk to it. You're just used to it.
            My family finally broke me down and just let them have a cat. We are still figuring out what works best for litter and such but u can smell him when I walk past the laundry room where we keep his box.

            Good thing we got a $10 shelter cat just incase he doesn't wise up and leave my 2 boxers alone.
            Last edited by KBScobravert; 08-12-2015, 01:12 PM.
            Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


            • #66
              Did I actually read dogs are high maintenance? Lmao!

              Cats are only cool if they stay outside and kill shit. I'd never share living space with one.


              • #67
                If you have a cat and your house stinks like cat urine and feces, your not feeding it good food and your using cheap cat litter and poor maintenance on the cat box. Of course I've never owned more than one cat at a time but our house never stinks. My wife and I scoop out shit and piss EVERY day and the liner in the box are replaced every 5-7 days and the box cleaned with hot water and anti-bacterial dish soap as well once weekly. Every time people come over my wife asks if it smells like cat shit/piss and everyone doesn't smell anything. As usual if we go to the laundry room of powder bath after he shits, you may smell little odor, but everyone's and everything's shit stinks, we turn on the fan for a few minutes, but other than that with proper food and cat litter box maintenance you shouldn't be smelling cat turds or cat pee, of course if you have multiple cats, your house will stink if you don't follow proper cat protocol.
                Originally posted by Silverback
                Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
                  If you have a cat and your house stinks like cat urine and feces, your not feeding it good food and your using cheap cat litter and poor maintenance on the cat box. Of course I've never owned more than one cat at a time but our house never stinks. My wife and I scoop out shit and piss EVERY day and the liner in the box are replaced every 5-7 days and the box cleaned with hot water and anti-bacterial dish soap as well once weekly. Every time people come over my wife asks if it smells like cat shit/piss and everyone doesn't smell anything. As usual if we go to the laundry room of powder bath after he shits, you may smell little odor, but everyone's and everything's shit stinks, we turn on the fan for a few minutes, but other than that with proper food and cat litter box maintenance you shouldn't be smelling cat turds or cat pee, of course if you have multiple cats, your house will stink if you don't follow proper cat protocol.
                  I am right there with you but some people refuse to believe. As I have said before every single person that has come to my house for the first time has no clue I have cats until they see them. The litter box is in the laundry room and that's maybe 20' from the front door. I feed the cats good food, scoop the poop every day and its usually right after they take a poo cause one of the cats has some stank crap LOL. I change the pad every Wed..... shit, guess I got to do that today and the pellets every month and my house simply does not smell like poo or piss.
                  Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by LaserSVT View Post
                    I am right there with you but some people refuse to believe. As I have said before every single person that has come to my house for the first time has no clue I have cats until they see them. The litter box is in the laundry room and that's maybe 20' from the front door. I feed the cats good food, scoop the poop every day and its usually right after they take a poo cause one of the cats has some stank crap LOL. I change the pad every Wed..... shit, guess I got to do that today and the pellets every month and my house simply does not smell like poo or piss.
                    I feed our cat expensive wet food, there is mo betta, mo expensive but I have my limits. The stuff I feed him is Max-Cat wet food, he only weighs 10 lbs and eats one can twice a day. His feces come out pretty solid and hardly any smell but like I mentioned before if someone goes into the room after there he shits there is a smell but it doesn't linger or smell up the house. We also have a big covered cat litter box (20x20) with asmall opening just enough room for him to go in and out of. We use high quality cat litter that clumps and he does a pretty good job of covering his poop and pee. My wife and I are anal about cat poop/piss smell so we stay on top of the cat litter box maintenance

                    I don't know if I were to ever buy a Savannah cat but they are bad ass looking. Although I don't think I could own something that big, it could be dangerous and I'd feel bad killing something I paid that much money to own.
                    Originally posted by Silverback
                    Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Denny
                      People are just trying to be polite, H.
                      I live in a small castle minus the moat, maybe that's why you can't smell anything...
                      Originally posted by Silverback
                      Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                        My family finally broke me down and just let them have a cat. We are still figuring out what works best for litter and such but u can smell him when I walk past the laundry room where we keep his box.

                        Good thing we got a $10 shelter cat just incase he doesn't wise up and leave my 2 boxers alone.
                        I've got a German Shepard that has an amazing record for eliminating cat odors. I'll rent her out on the cheap.


                        • #72
                          I can't have a cat, my dumbass boxer eats all the shit out of the litter boxes.


                          • #73
                            Labs seem to hate cats with a passion. More than once I've seen a lab kill a cat. Its like they hate them more than other dogs do. My dog doesn't even harm small animals. Just doesn't have any interest in them. Might look at em a minute, but a cat... and he's out for blood.



                            • #74
                              he's trying to get you some pussy for a change. you ungrateful ass.


                              • #75
                                You say that a lot. Like you think you know me or something. lol

