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Anyone here have a Savannah cat?

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  • #31
    I love cats but have never paid for one and doubt that I ever will. My last cat was ginger colored with tiger strips, no tail and weighed in at 24lbs and was skinny. He got killed fighting with some coyotes; he had a bad habit of attacking ANYTHING that got onto his turf. I wanted to replace him with a bobcat kitten but could not catch one young enough so I got a dog instead.
    Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


    • #32
      Originally posted by 91CoupeMike View Post
      Lol what litter do you use?
      I honestly don't know, cat maintenance is 100% her deal. It's some kind of system with pellets and pee pads. Not the normal kitty litter gray stuff. I know this because they track those pellets outside the room - another thing that pisses me off.
      When the government pays, the government controls.


      • #33
        Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
        I really don't understand the appeal of cats at all. My gf came with two, and they love me, but they get a big meh from me. What pisses me off is the house smelling like cat piss and shit. And don't give me the "clean it more" thing, she cleans that box three times every day. It still smells like cat piss.
        Lots of truth here. My grandma had cats, always smelled like cat piss


        • #34
          Does anyone else want to see video of Soap wrangling a bobcat?


          • #35
            Originally posted by 71chevellejohn View Post
            Does anyone else want to see video of Soap wrangling a bobcat?
            I was thinking about one of him fisting a cow but I will take what I can get.
            Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


            • #36
              Originally posted by svo855 View Post
              I was thinking about one of him fisting a cow but I will take what I can get.
              he already posted that one


              • #37
                Fuck cats, my wife has 2 and they piss me off.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by 91CoupeMike View Post
                  Lol what litter do you use?
                  We have 2 they don't smell at all. We use the arm and hammer clump shit. My cats are very clean. Max makes a mess but his bro lets him know that shits not cool and cleans up after him.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by asphaltjunkie View Post
                    Have you looked into the Maine Coon breed of cats? Massive furball (largest breed of domestic cat), mild mannered, almost dog-like, above average intellect, trainable, low maintenance, and relatively healthy. Stout and hearty body structure, too.

                    You can pick up a pure blood kitten from for $1500. They are in Broken Bow, Ok.
                    I hadnt actually thought of one of those. My friend that has Bob now just got a Maine Coon kitten as a companion for Bob and he is quite large for 8 weeks old and is cute as hell. His was only $150 though without papers. Couldnt see dropping $1500 on a cat. Even the $800 has me squirming. I can afford it but just never imagined paying for a cat. On the other hand I have always really really wanted a Savannah.
                    Originally posted by 91CoupeMike View Post
                    Those are just a normal cat. My mom has one, just a big ass fur ball. He's pretty cool though and will play fetch.

                    I have a Bombay, which is pretty much a jacked black house cat that looks like a minuture Panther.
                    I will have to check those out. Dont think I have ever seen a Bombay.
                    Originally posted by BradM View Post
                    Get a dog, that's what men do.
                    Been there, done that. I hate barking, hate going for walks, hate being slobbered on and hate it that if I am gone too long that there will be a huge heaping pile on my floor. Dogs are too much maintenance and aggervation for me. I have only had large dogs and just hate those little yapper dogs. Had two Rots, a chocolate Lab and a Wolf/Shepperd hybrid that looked like a polar bear with big ears and was a healthy 138 lbs. They were cool dogs but all were obnoxious and had expensive vet bills and stunk.
                    Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
                    I really don't understand the appeal of cats at all. My gf came with two, and they love me, but they get a big meh from me. What pisses me off is the house smelling like cat piss and shit. And don't give me the "clean it more" thing, she cleans that box three times every day. It still smells like cat piss.
                    This is why I use the Frebreeze system. Replace the cat diaper in the pan once a week and the pellets once a month and scoop the poo out once a day. When I bring a girl over for the first time or when a friend brings a friend over for the first time they have no idea I have a cat until one of them comes out to inspect the new humans. Every single time they say "Oh, you have a cat? But I dont smell anything." Its like a damn commercial. The setup I use really works well. Its the liner in the litter box pan that does it. It absorbs the urin and keeps away that amonia smell. I keep it in my laundry room which is in my kitchen and the only time I ever smell it is on the 7th day for the pad and even then you can only smell it when standing within a few feet of the box. So I change the pad once a week, rinse out the pan and its all good.
                    If they made my house stink they would have never lasted here even though they were my fathers and he loved them both to death.
                    Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by LaserSVT View Post
                      This is why I use the Frebreeze system. Replace the cat diaper in the pan once a week and the pellets once a month and scoop the poo out once a day. When I bring a girl over for the first time or when a friend brings a friend over for the first time they have no idea I have a cat until one of them comes out to inspect the new humans. Every single time they say "Oh, you have a cat? But I dont smell anything."
                      You described the system she uses to a T. And guess what, it still smells. Your friends that come over must also have cats.
                      When the government pays, the government controls.


                      • #41
                        Shes either not replacing the pad often enough or the pellets or must feed the cats too much soft food. Soft food makes the worst smelling crap so mine only get hard food.
                        Also, no. Most do not have or even like cats. Come to think of it only one of my friends has a cat and thats because he took Bob and now also has that Maine Coon kitten. Cant smell it in his house as well until you get to the guest bathroom. In there is smells horrible but he uses regular clump litter and directs his kids to keep the box clean and they dont do a good job at it. LOL
                        Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


                        • #42

                          Just a little bigger then my other cat, but he is a lot heavier with muscle. Gave him a bath today and he's strong as hell. LOL. Not one single hair isn't black.

                          320rwhp. 7.67 @ 90mph 1.7 60'

                          DD: 2004 GMC Sierra VHO 6.0 LQ9 324whp 350wtrq


                          • #43
                            I was worried about the smell in our house, but the box is in the garage, scooped into a litter genie daily and the cat isnt allowed into most rooms.

                            I still prefer my dog, who is actually trained and only barks when necessary. I enjoy walks and being outside. Never licks. Goes to the bathroom outside, and can actually do beneficial stuff for me.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by 91CoupeMike View Post

                              Just a little bigger then my other cat, but he is a lot heavier with muscle. Gave him a bath today and he's strong as hell. LOL. Not one single hair isn't black.
                              I see you like that black pussy. Lol

                              Without my gun hobby. I would cut off my own dick and let the rats eat it...


                              • #45
                                I have an F4 & a F5, both cool cats, use multi can A&H scent lock litter. No tracking around house A little outside the litter box. I've had many cats in the past and these two are the best. They want to be around you, they will sit in your lap and they will talk to you. Oh, and their shit doesn't smell vs other cats I've owned. Feed only aims dry....

                                Love them both, but still love my 4 dogs more. Dogs love is always there and sometimes the cats have an attitude
                                08 Mustang GT - NOT Stock ..... HPP Flex fuel tunes - 537/515 RWHP/RWT

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