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We're homeowners!
congrats. We are going through that process, again now. However we started about 8 months ago and have looked at over 120 homes. Put contracts on 3 homes. The 1st contract (house) we had to back out after the driveway to the shop behind the house was poured on the neighbors property. So they could cut off access to the shop if they got crabby. 2nd house turned out to be uninsurable. The seller had 5 claims on the house totaling 52k and had not repaired all the damage he had collected on. 3rd house is still in the option period. It looks like it is going to go through. It is just not the house we started looking for. After moving up a couple of price ranges we decided to do just the opposite and move down in price. Finally found a newly remodeled house that we can live in for cheap!! Looking forward to having a house payment that is less than half of our last house!! Time to max out the retirement fund!!!
The main reason we ran into not finding what we want. Here in Amarillo it has rained almost twice the annual rainfall already this year. After 10 years of drought, all the water is killing the foundations. We wanted a pier and beam house but just could not find one that would work. (2ND house we put the contract on was a pier and beam on 2 lots) When that fell through we decided to drop 100k in price range and find anything that we could make work for a period of 3-5 years.
Nice. Welcome to the area. We live in north Allen near the Cabela's and Top Golf. I wish I had rear entry garage so I could have a car port. That's the only problem with these newer houses in my price range. The garage is never big enough to actually use. My wife's Explorer barely fits in there and I cannot get my ride in.
Congrats!"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776