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How do I handle this - Applying two jobs in same company

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  • How do I handle this - Applying two jobs in same company

    Hi fellas,

    I just wanted to get some of y'all take on this. I'm about to be interviewed for a position that 'should' be a slam dunk. It would be a real move forward for my career with a sizable pay bump, a return to telecommuting, and less than 50% travel. I have known the hiring manager for a couple of years. Overall he's a good dude. He's going to go over the position with me tomorrow to make sure I get past his boss with flying colors. However there is one downside to this gig. I would have to move to Raleigh, NC. My wife and I are both on board with moving and this manager said he could give me a hiring bonus to cover relocation costs. The only thing I don't know yet is how quickly I would have to get my butt to NC.

    However, a 2nd position recently opened at the same company that is an absolute perfect fit for me in terms of the job description. It too would be a real career advancement. I don't know the pay yet but I'm sure it would be a good bump. I know the managers name and looked him up on LinkedIn. However I don't know him personally. This job would also get me back to telecommuting but there would be more travel (up to 75%). A big plus is that this gig would let me stay in DFW..

    I want to apply for the 2nd gig but not burn my bridge on the 1st one. The 1st is a near sure bet but you never know. Do you think I should talk to the manager of the 1st job before applying on the 2nd? How do you think I should approach it?

  • #2
    Good luck! I have no clue how to handle that situation. Being open is probably your best bet...but man its a tough call.


    • #3
      If manager 1 isn't human enough to understand why you would want to stay in DFW, then maybe he's not one to work for.

      What is the likelihood that he'll even get wind that you are interviewing for the other position? If it's a big company, it's highly likely that the left hasn't a clue as to what the right hand is doing.


      • #4
        So I'd say if you're currently employed I'd be honest and up front with the manager of job 1 about job 2 being open just now. Either way, you'd want to work for the company and that you understand currently neither is a sure thing... It can be a touchy subject sometimes especially if recruiters are involved (one for each job) so just let them know that this one just popped up and you'd be interested in not having to relocate.
        Originally posted by stevo
        Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.



        • #5
          Talk to the first hiring manager about being interested in the second job. If he likes you, he'll put in a good word with the other hiring manager. If he doesn't like you, he hasn't bothered to get to know you, and he isn't worth working for like Aaron said.
          ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


          • #6
            Would apply to only one. looking at 2 jobs in the same company may scare the management into thinking you will jump ship


            • #7
              Just explain how you can see your education and experience benefiting the organization either way.


              • #8
                soap needs a job


                • #9
                  I agree be honest and open. I was interviewing for two openings @ the same org and their HR knew it. Told me if both managers said they were interested at some point I had to make the choice. In the end another lead ended up working out sooner and was a better offer so I ended up taking it.
                  2013 F150 STX Supercab 5.0L w/3.55 LSD
                  1990 GT Convertible


                  • #10
                    I obviously dont know the details on your company, though I was interviewing with a company and ended up getting a completely different (and higher paying) job that fit me better than the one I was interviewing for. I didnt even know the position was open.
                    "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                    • #11
                      I'd ensure you don't burn your bridge with the 1st one by being open and telling him about the 2nd one. Something along the lines of "If there is an opportunity to stay in DFW, I'd like to do so. I'm willing and able to move to NC to support your team and initiative, but I'd like to explore the opportunity with the possibility of staying in DFW. Thoughts?"

                      Honesty gets you a hell of a lot further than deception... unless you're talking about hookers. Never be honest with a hooker.


                      • #12
                        So I spoke with the manager today. He gave me a full briefing on this position and gave me pointers for the interview I'll have with his boss. He mentioned that his boss has been dragging his ass on getting hires done and told me to apply for any position I might be interested in. If I get an offer, he'll use that to pressure his boss to get off his ass.

                        The company is VMware and now there is a 3rd position for me to consider. Tomorrow, I'm putting my name in for the other two. This 3rd position would also let me telecommute but let me stay in DFW.

                        Wife is dropping strong hints that she would love to move to Raleigh.


                        • #13
                          Rock on man, you got this.


                          • #14
                            Glad it's working out so far, keep us posted. Good luck!


                            • #15
                              Shit give me the position you don't want.

                              Without my gun hobby. I would cut off my own dick and let the rats eat it...

