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What the insanely rich can buy

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Silverback View Post
    I've been there six years and share an office with someone who's been there almost 20, and I've never heard a story like that.
    I dunno, maybe he was just messing with someone when he did it. I wouldn't mind meeting him someday. 4 of my family, myself included have had long careers thanks to him.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Silverback View Post
      Even though he doesn't own it anymore, he's still there everyday, still offices out of the Dell buildings. He still eats lunch with the same personal security guy everyday.
      I believe he is still on Dell's board of directors but I'm not sure since they went private.

      Originally posted by Frank View Post
      Someone I know who works there tells me if he walks by and sees food on your plate he likes, he has been known to pick up a fork and start eating from it while chatting with you. I don't know if that is ballsy or dementia or both.
      Originally posted by Silverback View Post
      I've been there six years and share an office with someone who's been there almost 20, and I've never heard a story like that.
      Yea, I call Bullshit. I saw an interview of him a few weeks ago, regarding he museum. He seemed sharp as a tack. He's never been a rude person or obnoxious person.

      People at Perot call him Senior or Ross Sr. Everyone loves him. His son, by comparison is a bit of a pain in the ass. I know I'm the pot calling the kettle black here but Ross Jr. seems to like the sound of his voice a bit too much. However, when Ross Sr opens his mouth, you shut up and listen because he always has something of substance to say.


      • #48
        Originally posted by slow99 View Post
        Last tally has 20 in D/FW (although they misspelled Perrot):

        Alice Walton, Andy Beal, Kelcy Warren and:

        No. 82: Robert Rowling, $6.1 billion
        No. 84: Ray Hunt, $6 billion
        No. 92: Trevor Rees-Jones, $5.4 billion
        No. 119: Jerry Jones, $4.2 billion
        No. 133: H. Ross Perot Sr., $3.9 billion
        No. 187: Ray Davis, $3.1 billion
        No. 191: Robert Bass, $3.1 billion
        No. 224: Richard Rainwater, $2.8 billion
        No. 226: Tim Headington, $2.7 billion
        No. 227: Mark Cuban, $2.7 billion
        No. 234: W. Herbert Hunt, $2.7 billion
        No. 253: David Bonderman, $2.6 billion
        No. 281: Edward Bass, $2.3 billion
        No. 281: Lee Bass, $2.3 billion
        No. 314: Gerald Ford, $2.1 billion
        No. 328: Sid Bass, $2 billion
        No. 345: H. Ross Perot Jr., $1.9 billion

        ****EDIT - my bad, this list isn't all billionaires, just the top 400 in the US.
        my old lady works at one of the Bass's companies


        • #49
          Originally posted by Sgt Beavis View Post
          I believe he is still on Dell's board of directors but I'm not sure since they went private.
          I don't think he is, especially since he the Perot Family has dumped a bunch of money into GuideIT. Senior has a long term "lease" on his office space, due to the security he had built around his office. He has a private elevator to the underground tunnels below the facility. Also the Perot family emergency shelter is still in underground on campus as well.

          When the Perot Family buildings in Turtle Creek are completed in the nex year or so, he will be moving out of the Dell facility, and into this -


          • #50
            Originally posted by Frank View Post
            Someone I know who works there tells me if he walks by and sees food on your plate he likes, he has been known to pick up a fork and start eating from it while chatting with you. I don't know if that is ballsy or dementia or both.
            I think a motherfucker would get stabbed doing somethin' like that....

