when purchasing a used car and you see that it was adult owned, does that settle your anxiety? Makes your heart feel better?
"Oh, an adult owned this car, it must be in tip top shape"
So an adult who owned an awesome, fast car isnt gonna drive that sumbitch like he stole it? I guess if hes an adult, he wont drive it like that all the time.
What about a vehicle owned by a "non-smoker"? So the interior must be in pristine condition, right?
I shouldnt have started drinking so early
"Oh, an adult owned this car, it must be in tip top shape"
So an adult who owned an awesome, fast car isnt gonna drive that sumbitch like he stole it? I guess if hes an adult, he wont drive it like that all the time.
What about a vehicle owned by a "non-smoker"? So the interior must be in pristine condition, right?
I shouldnt have started drinking so early