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Are adults lame?

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  • Are adults lame?

    when purchasing a used car and you see that it was adult owned, does that settle your anxiety? Makes your heart feel better?
    "Oh, an adult owned this car, it must be in tip top shape"
    So an adult who owned an awesome, fast car isnt gonna drive that sumbitch like he stole it? I guess if hes an adult, he wont drive it like that all the time.

    What about a vehicle owned by a "non-smoker"? So the interior must be in pristine condition, right?

    I shouldnt have started drinking so early

  • #2
    Are you an adult? Because this thread is lame.


    • #3
      yes, adults are lame... always have been

      smoking sucks


      • #4
        No! You Miata loving SOB! At least I don't think I am because assholes everywhere keeping telling me to grow up. ToyRus kid ftw!


        • #5
          A car owned by a smoker is butt nasty especially in a humid climate, and those who smoke are more prone to do dumb shit behind the wheel, so there's always that.


          • #6
            I've been a smokers car and it was fine. Maybe a chain smoker's car could get nasty...


            • #7
              I can clean an interior, I can replaced damaged parts and I can cover up stains, but it's impossible to get the smell of cigarettes completely out of a car.


              • #8
                Damn. I bet young smokers have trouble selling a vehicle.


                • #9
                  Well, I mean, I wouldn't buy a car from them.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by A+ View Post
                    I've been a smokers car and it was fine. Maybe a chain smoker's car could get nasty...
                    Depends on how much care is taken while smoking. Regardless the smell is still present.


                    • #11
                      Fuck no. I rule.
                      ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                      • #12
                        There are varied degrees of lame. I'm holding on as long as I can before I level up.


                        • #13
                          I like to see the phrase "highway miles" in ads. My car has 85k highway miles in the last two years, almost exclusively on I-35 between San Antonio and Fort Worth. Most of them at 80+ mph. I don't really see how those are any better on a car than running it 24/7 at 35 mph over residential roads but I guess it's what people want to see.

                          I'll never buy a car from a smoker again though, you can cover the smell temporarily but it'll be back the first rainy humid day you leave the windows up.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BP View Post
                            I like to see the phrase "highway miles" in ads. My car has 85k highway miles in the last two years, almost exclusively on I-35 between San Antonio and Fort Worth. Most of them at 80+ mph. I don't really see how those are any better on a car than running it 24/7 at 35 mph over residential roads but I guess it's what people want to see.

                            I'll never buy a car from a smoker again though, you can cover the smell temporarily but it'll be back the first rainy humid day you leave the windows up.
                            Highway miles are usually on a smooth surface and at a constant RPM. Brakes are used less, temps remain steady, etc. Some of the nicest cars that I have owned have had a crapton of highway miles.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Magnus View Post
                              Well, I mean, I wouldn't buy a car from them.
                              You could not afford it.

