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F-35 Can't Beat The Plane It's Replacing

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  • #16
    Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
    No shit. A new Audi R8 is also more expensive than a '55 Rambler.
    You do realize that comment was in response to jewrricks estimate right?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Chas_svo View Post
      The same time the F-35 only replaced a single plane, or anyone could afford to maintain a Tomcat?

      Using an F-35 in a dogfight with F-22s around makes as much sense as the title. Someone needs a clue, or ten.
      F-18's will be the only other short notice option in a blue water fight. There aren't any F-22's on carriers, and there won't be.


      • #18
        Hey, look everyone, it's a Bradley Fighting Vehicle with wings!

        What a colossal clusterfuck this whole program has turned out to be.
        "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


        • #19
          This doesn't really bother me. What bothers me about the F35 is that it is already obsolete.


          • #20


            • #21
              Did they not pull funding from the F22 as it was too expensive and went with the 35? I would expect just that....a lesser fleet.


              • #22
                Eh, moot point. With the way technology is advancing, a pilot-less fighter would be significantly cheaper and more effective. Amiright?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by TruestreetTim View Post
                  Did they not pull funding from the F22 as it was too expensive and went with the 35? I would expect just that....a lesser fleet.
                  Ya...F-22 ballooned so they ordered less of them. To my knowledge, it as least works as advertised. Guess we won't know until the ball drops, though.
                  "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Baba Ganoush View Post
                    Eh, moot point. With the way technology is advancing, a pilot-less fighter would be significantly cheaper and more effective. Amiright?
                    Definitely not wrong lol. If a drone can do it, why not a fighter?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by GhostTX View Post
                      Of all the criticisms, this is by far the worst:

                      I am not going to defend LockMart or the DoD as far as mismanagement here. Their handling of the program has been terrible.

                      The cutting off of the Raptor with limited units and no HMD\HMS sickened me beyond belief. However, I must call out BS when I see it.

                      I did a little research (obviously more than the author did) and found out a few things.

                      The F-35 used in the test was a test aircraft flying block 1B with limited flight control "laws" in the software restricting some of the most aggressive flight characteristics.

                      It also did not have full EODAS capability at the time.

                      When someone brings up an F-16 "sneaking up" to the F-35 because the pilot couldn't see out the back or because it was hard to turn his head around obviously knows nothing about what the aircraft is \ will be capable of at IOC.

                      1. The EODAS and HMD allow the pilot to see 360 degrees around the aircraft through its own skin either through the helmet or on the up front display.
                      The pilot will be able to do this using either his HMD or by the up front display. Also, the pilot does not even need to "look" behind him as a switch can be toggled to display the view behind him on either preferred device (HMD or UFD)

                      2. The JSF HMD is lighter than the current JHMCS

                      DAS Details:

                      Lastly, anytime I read "Anonymous Sources" I get skeptical.

                      Anyone who takes the time to take a look at what this aircraft will be capable of (mini AWACS) if the planned block upgrades are done will be summarily impressed.

                      This aircraft was never planned to be a dogfighter.

                      It is designed to be stealthy, take the first shot, have unparalleled Situational Awareness and be able to engage within visual range threats using High Off Boresight missiles.

                      Any pilot would tell you that they would much rather take the first shot and kill the dude that didn't know you were there rather than have to go to the merge via a knife fight, and even if you find yourself there the EODAS\HMD\HOBS AIM-9X combo is going to be deadly in close quarters.

                      If all we wanted was a non-stealthy dogfighter we should have joined the Brits in getting some Typhoons.
                      In close quarters with no stores attached they give the Raptor a run for its money.... They are hell on wheels WVR.

                      Too bad in real world exercises they get whacked about 30 miles out and have no idea where the AMRAAM came from.

                      Originally posted by soap View Post
                      Bring back the tomcat.
                      How quickly everyone forgets that the engines for the Tomcat at IOC was the TF-30, which were unreliable and under-powered. The cat dealt with them for years until the F-14Bs came around with the F101s

                      Originally posted by GhostTX View Post
                      Ask the Israeli's...or our recent Gulf War.

                      I am reminded of Vietnam and the F-4 design, though.
                      The F-4 stuck around, got its gun and was one of the most successful aircraft ever built.

                      Originally posted by Sgt Beavis View Post
                      This doesn't really bother me. What bothers me about the F35 is that it is already obsolete.
                      I disagree....
                      Last edited by Gargamel; 06-30-2015, 05:01 PM.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by helosailor View Post
                        Hey, look everyone, it's a Bradley Fighting Vehicle with wings!

                        What a colossal clusterfuck this whole program has turned out to be.
                        I remember being anti-armor in Korea and killing BFV's and tanks with TOWs and getting to Hood and being told how good it was to be a dismount because the BFV is great. I explained my previous job and told to shut up.

                        They do repel RPG's though but it does get loud
                        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                          You do realize that comment was in response to jewrricks estimate right?
                          You do realize I was supporting you with that statement, right?
                          When the government pays, the government controls.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
                            You do realize I was supporting you with that statement, right?
                            Dammit...why cant i ever catch what youre saying. This is the second time ive completely missed it.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Gargamel View Post
                              The F-4 stuck around, got its gun and was one of the most successful aircraft ever built.
                              Uhhh... what? By what standards? Are you trying to make a funny?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by YALE View Post
                                You're using the same reasoning that got us into so much trouble we fired up a little school with that nickname at (then) NAS Miramar. Fightertown, USA, FTW.
                                This. Wasn't that like the first line of Top Gun when Tom Cruise showed up for class in the movie? Found part of the quote anyway.

                                We shot down 12 of their jets for every one of ours.

                                During Vietnam, that ratio fell to 3 to 1. Our pilots become dependant upon missiles.

                                They lost some of their dog-fighting skills.

                                Now, Top Gun was created to teach ACM - 'Air Combat Manoeuvring'. Dog-fighting.
                                I seem to remember the F4 being initially built as a fighter plan with no guns and we got to dependent on shooting missiles. With the newer fighters having internal weapons bays, it limits the amount of missiles you can carry and if you still have to fight and can't run, your shit out of luck.

