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confederate flag removal?

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  • confederate flag removal?

    what are your thoughts on the South Carolina confederate flag removal?? i dont think the flag had anything to do with the shooting. the guy was a nutjob and i hope he meets a slow painful demise.

    i personally have no skin in the game as our family arrived via boat well after the civil war was over. just wanted the opinions of the dfwmustangs braintrust.

    god bless.
    It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass

  • #2
    Its not a hate flag it Heritage


    • #3
      I thought this was going to be about removing the one tattooed on your throat.


      • #4
        It's been in the works for years, but kept getting side barred for one thing or another. The shooting finally broke the camel's back.


        • #5
          I could care less


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
            I could care less
            How much less?
            Originally posted by Broncojohnny
            HOORAY ME and FUCK YOU!


            • #7
              Originally posted by lincolnboy View Post
              Its not a hate flag it Heritage
              I use to think this too, until I heard on the radio someone say wouldn't this be like Germans saying the swastika is their heritage?

              I've never been to Germany, so I don't know if people fly that flag over there in certain parts of their country.

              Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


              • #8
                If you have hate in your heart, you must take down that flag.


                • #9
                  I think it's a holdover and an artifact that allows people to hide behind it and veil thoughts and emotions under the guise of "heritage."

                  The "confederate flag" was never the flag of the confederacy. It was a battle flag used in Virginia by Robert E Lee's troops. Then it turned into a pride and remembrance thing. During the rise of the KKK and the subsequent civil rights movements of the 1950s and on it was resurrected for a bastardized purpose

                  According to Civil War historian and native Southerner Shelby Foote, the flag traditionally represented the South's resistance to Northern political dominance; it became racially charged during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s, when fighting against desegregation suddenly became the focal point of that resistance
                  It was politicized even more along the way by segregationists
                  as racism and segregation gripped the nation in the century following, it became a divisive and violent emblem of the Ku Klux Klan and white supremacist groups. It was also the symbol of the States' Rights Democratic Party, or "Dixiecrats," that formed in 1948 to oppose civil-rights platforms of the Democratic Party.

                  It never flew over the South Carolina capitol until the 1960s

                  The flag was first flown over the State Capitol dome by Democratic Gov. Fritz Hollings in 1962 to mark the centennial of the start of the Civil War, but many saw it as a reaction to the civil-rights movement and school desegregation

                  If you want to talk about the "war of northern aggression" and the history of how the flag was born, take a look at South Carolina's history. They were the first state to secede in 1861. It may be a heritage thing in SC, but it's a heritage of racism and hate. The official secession document, "Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina."...
                  glossed over states’ rights. It did not mention the tariff. South Carolina was seceding, it explained, due to the “increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery,” and the election of a president who believed “that slavery is in the course of ultimate extinction.”

                  In 1961, when the flag was run up the pole at the SC capitol for the first time..
                  Two state delegations, in Charleston to mark that 1961 centennial, found themselves barred from the hotel where the ceremony was to take place because they included black members. President Kennedy had to issue an executive order moving the commemoration to the Charleston Navy Base
                  That's fucking ignorant.

                  I'm not saying ban it or anything - fly it at your house and I won't care (but I will probably judge). It has no place on a government building though. Everyone wants to bitch about race-baiting and Obama being divisive when it comes to race issues... well here's a good chance to prove you are open minded and can see through the bullshit.

                  And, IMHO, fuck South Carolina for lowering the US and state flags to half mast last week and leaving the rebel flag hoisted to the top.
                  Last edited by Strychnine; 06-22-2015, 08:31 PM.


                  • #10
                    The myth of northern political dominance is just that.
                    ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                    • #11
                      I salute it when i go thru montague


                      • #12
                        When do the rest stops and six flags lose their confederate flags?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by emg View Post
                          I use to think this too, until I heard on the radio someone say wouldn't this be like Germans saying the swastika is their heritage?

                          I've never been to Germany, so I don't know if people fly that flag over there in certain parts of their country.

                          Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
                          They will arrest you for the Nazi flag in Germany. The take hiding the past very serious over there.


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              So be it. We can't move forward as one nation if we keep bringing up the past.

