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Dealing with Police on stolen car...

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  • #46
    Off 820 and Trinity we used to find stolen cars/trucks back in the woods monthly. there's even a couple down in the trinity that have been there for years.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Frank View Post
      What part of Dallas was it found may I ask? If I ventured a guess, somewhere south and near the Trinity river?

      Me and a buddy found an old 60's Dodge truck with a gooseneck trailer deep in some woods once. There were no apparent roads so it had to have been there a while. We figured it was probably stolen and parked there. It was deeep in the woods too.
      At Lincoln Memorial Park Cemetery. about half way between Murdock St and the Trinity River. We actually had to drive through the Cemetery to get to where it was.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Mongoose View Post
        Oh really? The private sector isnt much better. lol

        Its easy when you learn a little about how to deal with them. You got to get them over a barrel. Gotta make 'em bend over for ya. Take dish for example. Right now they'll do just about whatever I say, cause the contract is up. Something to like this: "You don't want to upgrade my receiver? I got your replacement on hold, you sure about that?" They replaced the receiver. Same for cell phones, cable internet, the list goes on. Works ok with some insurance companies, but best with nationwide. Nationwide really is on your side, they pay out the best with the least arguing and hassle. I'm going to try it with wells fargo soon, wish me luck. About lowering my interest rate on a long time account, now that its paid off.

        Once I reach a supervisor, that conversation may go something like "Look, either you lower it down to reasonable levels, or I'll take my business elsewhere. Right now you stand to make some money, but you're about to make no money and lose a customer for life. Cause I've been here for 8 years now, and I've never missed a payment. I think its not the least bit unreasonable that now, after all this time, after we have a well established relationship, that you can lower this down to something resembling reasonable. But if not, I'll just go elsewhere. I'm sure some other bank would love to have the business I'm giving you." I'll report back how it turns out. If they say no fuck em, not like I'm out anything. All that good history will go a long way with whoever ends up being their replacement.

        Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
        Start the process of fucking someone else selling it again.
        Especially what with that gun they hold to your head, forcing you to buy it.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
          Its easy when you learn a little about how to deal with them. You got to get them over a barrel. Gotta make 'em bend over for ya. Take dish for example. Right now they'll do just about whatever I say, cause the contract is up. Something to like this: "You don't want to upgrade my receiver? I got your replacement on hold, you sure about that?" They replaced the receiver. Same for cell phones, cable internet, the list goes on. Works ok with some insurance companies, but best with nationwide. Nationwide really is on your side, they pay out the best with the least arguing and hassle. I'm going to try it with wells fargo soon, wish me luck. About lowering my interest rate on a long time account, now that its paid off.

          Once I reach a supervisor, that conversation may go something like "Look, either you lower it down to reasonable levels, or I'll take my business elsewhere. Right now you stand to make some money, but you're about to make no money and lose a customer for life. Cause I've been here for 8 years now, and I've never missed a payment. I think its not the least bit unreasonable that now, after all this time, after we have a well established relationship, that you can lower this down to something resembling reasonable. But if not, I'll just go elsewhere. I'm sure some other bank would love to have the business I'm giving you." I'll report back how it turns out. If they say no fuck em, not like I'm out anything.

          Especially what with that gun they hold to your head, forcing you to buy it.
          uh oh, Stanley's off his meds
          When the government pays, the government controls.


          • #50
            Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
            uh oh, Stanley's off his meds
            Or just has really good luck dealing with customer service. Its definitely one or the other.


            • #51
              Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
              uh oh, Stanley's off his meds
              he's so big and scary!


              • #52
                Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
                Or just has really good luck dealing with customer service. Its definitely one or the other.
                i wonder


                • #53
                  about what?


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Tremor14 View Post
                    i wonder
                    WONDER BOYYYY

                    what is the secret of your powers?


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                      WONDER BOYYYY

                      what is the secret of your powers?
                      My mighty juice!!!

                      That I used to fill the crevasse, at your behest.


                      • #56
                        Call Dallas so and ask for the north Texas auto theft task force.

