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Beware the deadly assault towel.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
    With all the recent attacks on cops...i may be worried about this too...

    "This person extended an arm wrapped in a towel. The officer exited the vehicle and said, 'Drop the gun, drop the gun,'" LAPD Lt. John Jenal said.
    I had a similar experience while visiting my fathers grave a couple of years back. Guy approached me from behind with his hand wrapped around a towel and I didn't know WTF to do. Luckily I didn't shoot him but it was a tense few minutes.


    • #17
      Originally posted by helosailor View Post
      I can see it being either a huge help, or a huge hindrance.
      In reality no hindrance. I give most people the benefit of the doubt on stupid shit. 14 years, I think 16-17 commendations now, tons of letters from citizens, life saving award, multiple medals. To be honest, and this is going to sound arrogant as fuck, but I think it is what society wants as a police officer.I work hard, catch a lot of bad guys, and let a lot of minor shit go. I talk to people exactly how I would talk to my friends. I can absolutely go sideways if needed but have found over the years very few instances that was necessary. Usually people high on something or out of their minds. I always start off calm, kidding around, listening to what people have to say. I don't lie to people, fuck with them for no reason, and always explain exactly why I am there talking to them. I have worked with many a robo cop, and well, lets just say that's not my style. I kill em with kindness until they force my hand. It works and I have lots of experience and results to back that up.
      Whos your Daddy?


      • #18
        Originally posted by kingjason View Post
        In reality no hindrance. I give most people the benefit of the doubt on stupid shit. 14 years, I think 16-17 commendations now, tons of letters from citizens, life saving award, multiple medals. To be honest, and this is going to sound arrogant as fuck, but I think it is what society wants as a police officer.I work hard, catch a lot of bad guys, and let a lot of minor shit go. I talk to people exactly how I would talk to my friends. I can absolutely go sideways if needed but have found over the years very few instances that was necessary. Usually people high on something or out of their minds. I always start off calm, kidding around, listening to what people have to say. I don't lie to people, fuck with them for no reason, and always explain exactly why I am there talking to them. I have worked with many a robo cop, and well, lets just say that's not my style. I kill em with kindness until they force my hand. It works and I have lots of experience and results to back that up.
        You always struck me as one of the "good ones". All of this just reinforces that. Keep on keepin on, man.
        "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."

