Today I was in my first at fault wreck ever... shit. I was downtown at a stoplight, light turned green and I started to go, looked briefly to the left to make sure I was in the right area and traffic had stopped again... crunch. I was in my 2011 F150 and the bumper is barely hanging on, grill is banged up, and the hood looks like it may have been tweaked.
Any good shop recommendations? I am in Denton but can take the truck wherever. Anyone had any luck with the "no deductible" guys?
Anyone with esurance ever make a claim? I'm wondering how bad they are going to bend me over on my rate hike.
Any good shop recommendations? I am in Denton but can take the truck wherever. Anyone had any luck with the "no deductible" guys?
Anyone with esurance ever make a claim? I'm wondering how bad they are going to bend me over on my rate hike.