On the 15 last month we had a house fire. Not a huge one but it hotboxed the house really bad. The whole house is down to concrete and framing on the inside. It;s going to have to be completely rewired, all new windows, maybe replumbed, to bring it up to current code. It's also going to need a new roof. It's a late 50's house. What I'm not 100% sure of is the whole process. Who does what on what timeline. I still need to find a good contractor. My mortgage company ( Wells Fargo) needs the first check before they'll open a claim file and escrow.
I'm looking for someone who has had to go through a rebuild like this dealing with the insurance, mortgage company, and contractor. I know I can ask the adjuster and my agent (State Farm) for all the info but I also want to get the info from someone who's been on my side of this. I've never done this stuff before and it's quite overwhelming.
If you've gone through this before, what were those details that you said to yourself "If I knew that before hand I would have done X different"
I hate not knowing exactly how to handle some of this stuff and I ratheer get info from an unbiased party before I get more info from the adjuster or the ins agent. Any and all info is very much appreciated.
I'm looking for someone who has had to go through a rebuild like this dealing with the insurance, mortgage company, and contractor. I know I can ask the adjuster and my agent (State Farm) for all the info but I also want to get the info from someone who's been on my side of this. I've never done this stuff before and it's quite overwhelming.
If you've gone through this before, what were those details that you said to yourself "If I knew that before hand I would have done X different"
I hate not knowing exactly how to handle some of this stuff and I ratheer get info from an unbiased party before I get more info from the adjuster or the ins agent. Any and all info is very much appreciated.