Hmmmm, I need the tops knocked out of two giant cedars. Apparently there is a large rock base under the soil here and the roots don't get as deep as they should. I cut up four of those bastards last week but don't have a ladder long enough to get high into these. One would land square on my patio, the other is very close to my pool equipment. I may pull em down with the winch if the prices are to high.
Hmmmm, I need the tops knocked out of two giant cedars. Apparently there is a large rock base under the soil here and the roots don't get as deep as they should. I cut up four of those bastards last week but don't have a ladder long enough to get high into these. One would land square on my patio, the other is very close to my pool equipment. I may pull em down with the winch if the prices are to high.
Jason I can do this unless they're like 60 ft tall.
I have always been told to make sure the people you hire are licensed. Something about insurance not covering any damage they might cause if they are not.
Jason I can do this unless they're like 60 ft tall.
Not only are they prob 50 foot tall. They had a pretty good poison ivy growth until I moved in and killed it off. I think I got it all, but that shit was all the way to the top. Cedar and PI sound like a bad combination to me or I would have already borrowed a giant ladder. I am pretty good with the winch also! Both those bastards lean towards some important stuff. I will be eyeballing them further in the next couple of weeks.
Bedford Hills, NY — July 19, 2021 —?SavATree, the industry leader in professional tree,?shrub and lawn care, has announced a merger with Texas-based tree and lawn care company, Preservation Tree ...
2222 Empire Central
Dallas, Texas 75235
When the government pays, the government controls.