I just noticed Seb hasn't been on in almost a month now.
Last time I talked to him, he was getting away from residential stuff and focussing on bigger commercial jobs. I have seen him a few times at his property out near Rockwall in the last couole of weeks. Though the conversation about his business was about a year ago
Not only are they prob 50 foot tall. They had a pretty good poison ivy growth until I moved in and killed it off. I think I got it all, but that shit was all the way to the top. Cedar and PI sound like a bad combination to me or I would have already borrowed a giant ladder. I am pretty good with the winch also! Both those bastards lean towards some important stuff. I will be eyeballing them further in the next couple of weeks.
Yeah you can keep that Poison Ivy shit all to yourself....I dont wanna get within 100 yards of that shit. I did work for a tree trimming company a couple years ago and started my own tree service for a while but decided to pursue other work..still have the polesaw, 2 chainsaws and a couple of chains for pulling up stumps.