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Anyone spent time in Wichita Kansas?

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  • Anyone spent time in Wichita Kansas?

    We are planning to go visit an old buddy of mine in Wichita Kansas next month and are looking for recommendations of places to go and places to stay? I see there is a brewery there so that in on the list, and the wife has a couple places she wants to go. Any suggestions would be awesome!

  • #2
    I suggest you ask your friend that lives there.


    • #3


      • #4
        I've spent time in witchita kansas...... spent time thinking about how soon I could leave witchita kansas.
        2012 GT500


        • #5
          Ive been all through KS/MO theres nothing to see there, but your best bet is to get over to KCMO


          • #6
            I worked for a company that was headquartered in Wichita.

            There's a decent enough downtown to go out and eat and drink well for a night or two, but on the whole, it's a shit hole


            • #7
              Yup no big attractions. Everyone goes to kansas city. They have all the sports teams and asscar if you are into to that.

              If you have hobbie intrest im sure there are some stores to check out. I always like to check out saltwater fish stores etc.


              • #8
                BTK welcomes you!


                • #9
                  People go to Wichita ks on purpose?


                  • #10
                    Lawrence and KC have more to offer if you get a chance. Wichita isn't really desirable for much.


                    • #11
                      That is kinda what I figured. We are going there to visit my buddy, was just curious if there was something fun to go do while we were there. I did ask him, he said pretty much what every one has mentioned. Only reason he moved there was for work. He works for Cessna aircraft..

                      We are planning to stay a couple days there then make our way to Branson Missouri for a couple days then head back home. Looking forward to some time off and away from work. It'll be the first vacation I've taken in over 5 years..


                      • #12
                        Go visit the Salt mine that's a few little towns over..It's a pretty cool site to tour..Get the full tour package that gets u TB r train ride and shuttle..


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Blackpony View Post
                          That is kinda what I figured. We are going there to visit my buddy, was just curious if there was something fun to go do while we were there. I did ask him, he said pretty much what every one has mentioned. Only reason he moved there was for work. He works for Cessna aircraft..

                          We are planning to stay a couple days there then make our way to Branson Missouri for a couple days then head back home. Looking forward to some time off and away from work. It'll be the first vacation I've taken in over 5 years..
                          you guys will have a ball...

                          go downtown, have a nice dinner, and laugh at all the wanna-be-Texans


                          • #14
                            Storm chase !


                            • #15
                              I've spent some time in Wichita. You know how driving through suburbia every few blocks you come across another Walmart, Chilis, McDonalds and Taco Bell?

                              It's like that in Wichita... but the Walmart, Chilis, McDonalds, and Taco Bell are the only things there.

                              Accept that you will be drinking yourself to sleep at Chilis every night before you get there and you'll have a lot more fun.

