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Anyone protest there home tax his year?

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  • #16
    Yeah theyre in full on money grab mode...and to me its no better than a nigerian scam when youre preying on people not checking to see if the bill you sent them is right.


    • #17
      However on the flip sode, our house in frisco sold for 20% more than we paid just a year prior to sale.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
        In texas, the max YoY increase is 10%, and in my area ive heard its been right around like 9.98% across the board for everyone.

        This isn't my area of expertise, but I thought that max of 10% YoY is ONLY if you have a homestead exemption. Not everyone has a homestead exemption.

        Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
        Thats proof enough that its not an appraisal based on comps. They are relying on people to actually fight the value instead of doing the proper leg work in hopes thay people dont try. Its predatory.
        Bingo. Just like companies that buy bad debt. They know most people won't fight it, don't know they can fight it, etc. I bet most people just take their lumps and pay it. it's a fucking scam.
        Originally posted by BradM
        But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
        Originally posted by Leah
        In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


        • #19
          Mine went up $16k in value. I filled out the protest online and they reduced by $5k. Not sure if I want to set up a date of just go with the 5k off.
          2015 F250 Platinum


          • #20
            Originally posted by slow99 View Post
            The place I'm using takes 40% of the first year tax savings; I pay them nothing if they can't save me anything.
            Did the same, downloaded the paper work, filed it out, scanned it and emailed it back, they do the rest.


            • #21
              Originally posted by fordracing19 View Post
              Mine went up $16k in value. I filled out the protest online and they reduced by $5k. Not sure if I want to set up a date of just go with the 5k off.
              I used my County's online protest system too. We purchased our home for $92K as it needed work, and still does. Their appraisal came in at $113k this year, a$3k increase from the previous cycle. With my online protest, I provided a copy of the settlement statement from closing, along with several pictures of the state of the exterior (primarily the fence and yard). Accompanied that with a bid of $6200 to replace the fence and estimated grading and sod at another $4k and they came back with a value of $97k. I was hoping for a reduction to the purchase price but I don't have the time this year to dig in and build a full case to present for the value, so I took it, with intentions of doing the same thing next year. I will be better equipped with more written bids for improvements.
              Originally posted by Leah
              Best balls I've had in my mouth in a while.


              • #22
                Denton home values are skyrocketing. Homes are selling really fast. My neighbor down the street listed his house for $275K and had 15 offers the first day. The buyers got into a bidding war and it went for nearly $300K.

                I bought my house for $210 but now they value it at nearly $230K. The retired President of UNT bought the house across the street for over $350K, then gutted and remodeled the whole thing. I wonder how much it would go for now. He really pushed up everyone's home values.


                • #23
                  There = place
                  Their = people
                  2012 GT500


                  • #24
                    We bought our house 2 years ago at $117,000. The following year i recieved the county appraisal and they said it was worth $146,000 and some change. I set up a time last year to dispute it because i heard about the 10% max increase but they had scheduled my hearing when we were on vacation. So i tried arguing that, but the county didn't budge. Now this year they are saying my house is $164,000.

                    This time i will be here to try and dispute a little bit of that cost down, but can I also dispute that they pushed my value up the first year over 10% and have them fix this or am I just shit out of luck on that.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by bcoop View Post

                      This isn't my area of expertise, but I thought that max of 10% YoY is ONLY if you have a homestead exemption. Not everyone has a homestead exemption.

                      Bingo. Just like companies that buy bad debt. They know most people won't fight it, don't know they can fight it, etc. I bet most people just take their lumps and pay it. it's a fucking scam.
                      I think youre right on the homestead, but im not too knowledgeable in this area either.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                        I think youre right on the homestead, but im not too knowledgeable in this area either.
                        After some reading, that appears to be the case. They can increase the value to whatever they want if you have no homestead exemption. If you have a Homestead, it's capped at 10%. Too late to do it this year but everyone that can should file for homestead prior to 4/30. Also important to know that you must re-file when it runs out, it does not auto renew
                        Originally posted by BradM
                        But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                        Originally posted by Leah
                        In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                          After some reading, that appears to be the case. They can increase the value to whatever they want if you have no homestead exemption. If you have a Homestead, it's capped at 10%. Too late to do it this year but everyone that can should file for homestead prior to 4/30. Also important to know that you must re-file when it runs out, it does not auto renew
                          So I thought the same about the to late part and talked to them a couple days before the deadline and they said it really didn't matter. Wish I could explain why or why not but they took mine 2 day ago.


                          • #28
                            Yup, they wanted to long dick me with a huge increase. I contested, they lowered, I've now got a formal protest hearing next week.

