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I had to put my dog down

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  • I had to put my dog down

    My dog Daisy was put down at about 5:45AM this morning. It has been a terrible week and this just made it one of the worst weeks in my life. This is the first time I ever had to do this and at least for a very long time will be the last. I don't see me getting another dog anytime in the near future unless I change careers. I am gone from home too much and feel bad for the time I didn't spend with Daisy.

    I got her in November of 2009. She was a little over 5 years old and was a child of divorce. Her old owners split up, one into apartments that didnt allow pets and the other began staying out late and partying so much they couldn't take care of her. I went in to work on Saturday and my friend had her there trying to give her away. I dont know what it was about her but I really wanted her. She was a very beautiful Redbone Coonhound. She was the most well trained dog I have ever seen. Would never go potty inside the house and was extremely sweet. When I first got her she was some kind of excape artist and managed to get out of my back yard repeatedly within minutes of letting her out. This stopped after about 3 months. She was very easy to care for. She self regulated her own food intake without gaining weight which can be rare. She used to sleep on her bed next to mine and its going to take a long time to get used to her not being there. It's also going to take a long time to get used to here not being there squeaking and wagging her tail like crazy when I get home.

    She had been completely fine as early as last weekend. Then I noticed about 4 days ago she hadn't eaten much at all. This was fairly normal every now and then she wouldn't eat much for a day or so and eat more later. It was after the second day of not eating that I began to get worried. I couldn't get her to eat anything but treats even though she was still drinking plenty of water. I noticed she was walking very slow and would lay down by some trees when I let her out. 2 days ago I couldn't get her to eat anything at all, no matter what but she was still drinking water. She was also having trouble breathing. Yesterday, when I got home from work, she was spread out on the living room floor unable to get up. I helped her stand and she could barely do that, very un-coordinated and weak. When I helped her up, she walked to the couch and wanted to get on so I helped her on and she got herself comfortable. I offered her food and water and she only took the water. At this time I knew time was getting close. She still seemed happy wagging her tail and all though. My girlfriend came over and we discussed it. She was not suffering so we waited.

    At about 4 AM in her bed next to us she started to make some noises randomly like she was in pain or uncomfortable. I knew it was time. We woke up, loaded her in the car and took her to a 24hr vet. The entire process was new to me so they explained everything. I wanted to be with her in her final moments. It was sooo hard for me but I knew it would be comforting for her. I petted her head as they injected her and her heart stopped. I miss my Daisy Duke so much already. The process took a few minutes after the injection and she seemed to have a hard time breathing before slowly leaving us. I'm sad about the situation but I feel I did the right thing. The vet said it was most likely a tumor that busted and she was bleeding internally. She said we could run test to determine the exact cause but either way the end would be the same. I figured why make her live through that. she was almost 11 and the average lifespan of her breed is 10-12 years. I will always remember and love her.
    Originally posted by Marisa
    we women are all irrational and emotional and insane...some just hide it better than others.


  • #2
    Prayers brother. That sucks, sorry for your loss.


    • #3
      I am so sorry for your loss. I had to put my chow of 14ys down in October. So I know how you feel.


      • #4
        R.i.P. Daisy


        • #5
          Always a shame to lose a dog. Thoughts sent your way Randy.
          Originally posted by lincolnboy
          After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


          • #6
            I'm sorry Randy. That really sucks.
            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


            • #7
              Sucks dude, sorry for your loss.


              • #8
                Very sorry to hear that. Rip Daisy
                Originally posted by davbrucas
                I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

                Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

                You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


                • #9
                  Sorry to hear. Had my rottie put down due to spleen cancer back in March and it sucks out loud. I can take physical pain all day long, but I was crying like baby when I had to make that call.


                  • #10
                    Sorry to hear man, I have put down two pets in my life as well, my cat when i was about 15 and just a few years ago, I held my African Gray Red-tail Parrot at about 3AM while she died in my hands. This one was the hardest, as she was only about 5 years old, and they are supposed to have a lifespan of 40-60 years! Not an easy thing to go through at all.
                    2009 Mercedes C63 AMG


                    • #11
                      Sorry to hear it man. It's always hard to lose a good pup.


                      • #12
                        Sorry to hear that.

                        Without my gun hobby. I would cut off my own dick and let the rats eat it...


                        • #13
                          I can relate way too well man. Did this last Wednesday for the first time. Had Rusty 15 years and couldn't imagine what it would have been like without him. Hang in there and know she is ok.


                          • #14
                            I cant read these damn dog threads without tearing up. Im sorry for your loss.


                            • #15
                              So sorry man, it can be rough but time heals all. I lost my shadow in January and haven't been the same since.

                              Don't feel bad about time missed, you gave her a good life. Rmember the good times. I wish you the best.

