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If you could change careers...

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
    Strych, are you thinking about a change?
    I am.

    Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
    I think I'm really sick of the rat race and the concrete urban hell that you have to deal with to scratch out a little bit of money. Fuck that. I go on vacation 3-5 times per year to get away, and the people in those places seem so much happier, even though they have "less."
    "The hardest thing in the world is to simplify your life. It's so easy to make it complex."
    - Yvon Chouinard

    Originally posted by SlowLX View Post
    You need to take your shit and go hike JMT this summer so I can live vicariously through you while I'm stuck here all summer.
    If I don't book a flight to CO in the next few days then next week I'll be checking out for a few days. One man tent, pack full of gear, and a hammock - not sure where yet.

    Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder View Post
    I'm planning a drastic career change, getting started next fall. It'll be a few years before I can quit my full time gig and be my own boss.
    Best of luck (totally serious, no sarcasm). I hope you have some badass success.

    Originally posted by Cooter View Post
    a writer
    I've found myself writing more lately... it's pretty damn therapeutic lol. Who knew?!

    I have an opportunity to change careers, industries, etc and have a fresh start in a location that I completely love, working with one of my best friends. Sounds simple, but there would be sacrifice. Pay cut at first, but likely back to where i'm at now in ~2 yrs. Growth opportunities are there - the title wouldn't change, but the position would grow. If it were to all fail one day and I wanted to go back to O&G then this role would be a big resume booster - it would expand my skills portfolio beyond anything possible for me right now. But the fear of the unknown is eating at me hard. There's a deadline on my decision, and making a jump would then create other giant headaches. Moving, selling a house, finding a new place... things we just went through last year. And did I mention 35% pay cut up front?

    On a shelf above my monitor is a 64 oz growler that I'm staring at. I think I need to go fill it, and sit back and think for a bit while emptying it


    • #92
      Edit nvm...jusy re read your post
      Last edited by Ruffdaddy; 05-22-2015, 05:06 PM.


      • #93
        The paycut sucks, but only you know how bad. If you have little to no debt, and make a very comfortable living now, you might be fine with that kind of cut. Desirable location and working with a good pal are worth a lot. The ability to go back if needed is a plus. Go for it. Take a chance. If you don't, you'll always wonder. If you do, you'll potentially score huge, and worse case, you'll have to recover. Big deal! I think living with the "what if" would suck worse. The headaches you speak of are just excuses, and you know that. Some people do it. Why not you?


        • #94
          Chasing money is only fun for so long...

          If you can afford to chase a dream, get after it!


          • #95
            I was in the auto industry for 7 years, decided I hated what I was doing, and closed it all down with nothing in mind of what I would do. Sometimes you just gotta say fuck it.

            Now Im making more money than I ever have, less stress, and happier than ever. You only have one life, dont let a job control it


            • #96
              I love what I do and kind of fell into it, wasn't my original intention in college. I wouldn't change anything unless the industry tanks and I get laid off. I have other options however.

              Now what I would really like to do? Restore old houses. I have always wanted to do that. I just don't think my carpentry skills would allow me to.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Strychnine
                If I don't book a flight to CO in the next few days then next week I'll be checking out for a few days. One man tent, pack full of gear, and a hammock - not sure where yet
                Easy, do both!

                Originally posted by Strychnine
                I have an opportunity to change careers, industries, etc and have a fresh start in a location that I completely love, working with one of my best friends. Sounds simple, but there would be sacrifice. Pay cut at first, but likely back to where i'm at now in ~2 yrs. Growth opportunities are there - the title wouldn't change, but the position would grow. If it were to all fail one day and I wanted to go back to O&G then this role would be a big resume booster - it would expand my skills portfolio beyond anything possible for me right now. But the fear of the unknown is eating at me hard. There's a deadline on my decision, and making a jump would then create other giant headaches. Moving, selling a house, finding a new place... things we just went through last year. And did I mention 35% pay cut up front?
                You know my thoughts on this, you've been talking about moving to Colorado for almost as long as I've known you. Do it!


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post

                  Now what I would really like to do? Restore old houses. I have always wanted to do that. I just don't think my carpentry skills would allow me to.
                  Not really a one man job anyway. You're better off (from a $ perspective) being the contractor that manages the people swinging hammers.


                  • #99
                    Well I meant more of being on a team that restores old houses. Being involved, but running it from inception (scouting/buying) too. Kind of like the male version of Nicole Curtis. Lots of opportunity for cool houses up here too.


                    • Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                      Lol you know that was intentional right?

                      Ive worked with accountants, but believe it or not...ive never worked with an economist. I just now realized that. Good luck!
                      I'm not convinced any outside of academia do any real work. I'm going back to managing people when I get done. Thanks man!
                      ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                      • I wish to move into a CTO/CIO role when I'm over 40, otherwise I am beyond ecstatic with where I am at in my career.


                        • Originally posted by YALE View Post
                          I'm not convinced any outside of academia do any real work. I'm going back to managing people when I get done. Thanks man!
                          Lol confused. Are you saying no one outside of academia does real work? Man id say the sentiment in the "real world" is far and wide the exact opposite. Hence the "those who cant...teach"


                          • Originally posted by abecx View Post
                            I wish to move into a CTO/CIO role when I'm over 40, otherwise I am beyond ecstatic with where I am at in my career.
                            something like this. Depending on the size of the company, I'd be happy as an Exec Director or VP too


                            • My next step is VP. I've been working my way up to it since I was 20.
                              "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                              "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                              • Originally posted by War Machine View Post
                                Sometimes you just gotta say fuck it.
                                You only have one life, dont let a job control it
                                Originally posted by jluv View Post
                                Take a chance. If you don't, you'll always wonder. If you do, you'll potentially score huge, and worse case, you'll have to recover. Big deal! I think living with the "what if" would suck worse. The headaches you speak of are just excuses, and you know that. Some people do it. Why not you?
                                Preachin' to the choir. Fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all though.
                                The wife and I are talking through it all every day... and she knows that it really comes down to me. She is incredible and if I say I need to do this she'll pack a bag. I know we'll end up exactly where we're supposed to be... it's just going to take a bit to process and work out.

                                Originally posted by SlowLX View Post
                                You know my thoughts on this, you've been talking about moving to Colorado for almost as long as I've known you. Do it!
                                You just want a couch to crash on, don't lie.

