Originally posted by Ruffdaddy
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Originally posted by 46Tbird
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- Yvon Chouinard
Originally posted by SlowLX
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Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
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Originally posted by Cooter
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I have an opportunity to change careers, industries, etc and have a fresh start in a location that I completely love, working with one of my best friends. Sounds simple, but there would be sacrifice. Pay cut at first, but likely back to where i'm at now in ~2 yrs. Growth opportunities are there - the title wouldn't change, but the position would grow. If it were to all fail one day and I wanted to go back to O&G then this role would be a big resume booster - it would expand my skills portfolio beyond anything possible for me right now. But the fear of the unknown is eating at me hard. There's a deadline on my decision, and making a jump would then create other giant headaches. Moving, selling a house, finding a new place... things we just went through last year. And did I mention 35% pay cut up front?
On a shelf above my monitor is a 64 oz growler that I'm staring at. I think I need to go fill it, and sit back and think for a bit while emptying it
