This is a bit of a rant so most wont read all of this. Most of my family has died over the last few years. This is after bleeding me dry of every last cent I had and then some. Compounded by my grandmother doing a reverse mortgage on the house I deeded to her that she hasnt been paying taxes on so now the RM place wants the house. There was $122,000 wasted. She also has no idea what happened to the money.
Knowing she was getting senile I knew she needed care and after caring for my aunt, father and grandfather and then being royally screwed by all of them I am over taking care of my family so i located her high school BF and reunited them. He is a millionaire and was in poor health. She moved in with him and said he was leaving everything to her, great, problem solved. Well she couldnt stand it there and moved back into the house I deeded her. That guy just passed away and did leave everything to her. She declined anything and everything to the lawyers. I find this out 2 months after the fact.
So its back on my shoulders. I am doing her books and see she still hasnt paid the taxes. I also see a gas company check for $160. I ask what its for and get no answer. Go to the back 40 acres and see a new pipeline. She signed off to the gas company the back part of the lot for $160. ARRRRRGHHHHH!!
Now shes calling me to tell me "He left!" ........ who? "Rich!" ...... argh, Rich has been dead 5 years. So yeah, she lost it. Not sure what do to. Cant afford a nursing home.
Anyone know of services for the elderly that can come see them a few times a week to keep them functioning or am I screwed and just have to pay for some kind of care giver? Not like i have the money to do it but on the other hand she has tried to have me killed before so I have a hard time getting over that.
Any ideas? If I have to pay for someone then I have to pay for someone. The alternative is moving he in with me and...... no.
Knowing she was getting senile I knew she needed care and after caring for my aunt, father and grandfather and then being royally screwed by all of them I am over taking care of my family so i located her high school BF and reunited them. He is a millionaire and was in poor health. She moved in with him and said he was leaving everything to her, great, problem solved. Well she couldnt stand it there and moved back into the house I deeded her. That guy just passed away and did leave everything to her. She declined anything and everything to the lawyers. I find this out 2 months after the fact.

So its back on my shoulders. I am doing her books and see she still hasnt paid the taxes. I also see a gas company check for $160. I ask what its for and get no answer. Go to the back 40 acres and see a new pipeline. She signed off to the gas company the back part of the lot for $160. ARRRRRGHHHHH!!
Now shes calling me to tell me "He left!" ........ who? "Rich!" ...... argh, Rich has been dead 5 years. So yeah, she lost it. Not sure what do to. Cant afford a nursing home.
Anyone know of services for the elderly that can come see them a few times a week to keep them functioning or am I screwed and just have to pay for some kind of care giver? Not like i have the money to do it but on the other hand she has tried to have me killed before so I have a hard time getting over that.
Any ideas? If I have to pay for someone then I have to pay for someone. The alternative is moving he in with me and...... no.