The comments below the story are pretty funny, but I'm fairly sure my DFWMustang brothers & sisters can do better.
“I can touch my eye with my tongue.” (Video: Barcroft TV)
Can you imagine potentially having the world’s longest tongue? And then uploading a video of it on YouTube. Now can you imagine the kinds of comments you’d receive?
Since her high school days, Adrianne Lewis, now 18 and a college freshman, created a series of videos showing off her 4-inch tongue. But she isn’t the first in the family to have exceptional length in tongue. Her mother’s side of the family all had extremely long tongues as well.
World’s Longest Tongue? Meet The Girl Who Can Lick Her Eye
“I feel as though I may have inherited it. But I think with time and me being the weird kid I was and always sticking out my tongue it could have …stretched.” Lewis said in a Barcroft TV interview.
Lewis (or as she calls herself on social media, “Long Tongue Lewis”) can touch her elbow, her nose, her eye (with help of her hand), and even roll it.
Lewis believes that her tongue is long enough to break the Guinness World Record, although she has not been officially judged — the title currently belongs to Nick Stoeberi, whose tongue measures in at 3.97 in.
The stretched out muscle that has been gaining attention all over the internet is actually eight muscles, according to Scientific American. “The soft patty of flesh we call the tongue is not just one muscle, it’s a conglomeration of eight separate muscles. Unlike other muscles, such as the bicep, tongue muscles don’t develop around a supporting bone. “
According to a University of Delaware study, only about 65-80 percent of the population can roll their tongues, and the debate about it being genetic is ongoing.
A tongue this long, though, has its challenges. “I bite my tongue every single day,” says Lewis in one of her videos — and often in the same place, over and over again. Ouch.
Can you imagine potentially having the world’s longest tongue? And then uploading a video of it on YouTube. Now can you imagine the kinds of comments you’d receive?
Since her high school days, Adrianne Lewis, now 18 and a college freshman, created a series of videos showing off her 4-inch tongue. But she isn’t the first in the family to have exceptional length in tongue. Her mother’s side of the family all had extremely long tongues as well.
World’s Longest Tongue? Meet The Girl Who Can Lick Her Eye
“I feel as though I may have inherited it. But I think with time and me being the weird kid I was and always sticking out my tongue it could have …stretched.” Lewis said in a Barcroft TV interview.
Lewis (or as she calls herself on social media, “Long Tongue Lewis”) can touch her elbow, her nose, her eye (with help of her hand), and even roll it.
Lewis believes that her tongue is long enough to break the Guinness World Record, although she has not been officially judged — the title currently belongs to Nick Stoeberi, whose tongue measures in at 3.97 in.
The stretched out muscle that has been gaining attention all over the internet is actually eight muscles, according to Scientific American. “The soft patty of flesh we call the tongue is not just one muscle, it’s a conglomeration of eight separate muscles. Unlike other muscles, such as the bicep, tongue muscles don’t develop around a supporting bone. “
According to a University of Delaware study, only about 65-80 percent of the population can roll their tongues, and the debate about it being genetic is ongoing.
A tongue this long, though, has its challenges. “I bite my tongue every single day,” says Lewis in one of her videos — and often in the same place, over and over again. Ouch.