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What an effed up morning...

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  • What an effed up morning...

    So I'm on the way to work and around 6:40am I'm driving right through downtown at Elm St & Lamar and there is a DART bus stop there.... I look over and see a police officer wrestling with a black man. He's obviously trying to arrest him but the dude was putting up a fight. I watched for a minute then the light turned green. I turned and pulled over, walked over there to see if he got it under control. A crowd began to gather, and I'm sure you can guess what the ethnicity of the crowd was. They were yelling at the police officer, calling him a racist pig, telling him to let the man go he didn't do anything, etc.

    I stepped to the side and called 911 to let them know the officer was struggling, and a crowd was gathering. They said they were trying to get officers there but everyone was tied up....

    So I walk back over, and at this point the crowd is 50 or so people, most recording what was going on with cell phones. The officer was loosing the fight. The guy was trying to reach around to the officers belt where his gun was, the crowd wouldn't back away, and the officer couldn't let go long enough to do anything different. I walked up to the side of the officer and told him I called and help is on the way. He asked if I wanted to help and I said yell me what to do. He asked me to help him get his hand that he was reaching with around to his back.... So I jump down there to help and that's when all hell broke loose....

    The crowd immediately started yelling at me. Calling me every name in the book. White devil, nigger hater, piece of shit, racist fuck, you name it. A beer bottle was thrown at me, I was spit on, it was fucked up.

    A few seconds of this and one of them ran up behind me and shoved me to the ground. The officer pepper sprayed that dude so he backed off. I got back into the situation and got the dudes hand behind his back and held it there while the officer watched the crowd with his pepper spray.

    Other officers finally made it on scene and I got up and out of their way. People were telling me I'm a coward, and to watch my back because they were going to put a hole in it, etc.

    The dude that got arrested was a drug dealer that sells at the bus stops. The officer told me that they were going to try and charge the guy that pushed me with felony assault of a law enforcing public servant since I was acting under the officers instruction at the time.

    I left there feeling good.... I felt like I had done the right thing. But that was quickly overshadowed by how pathetic our society is becoming. People targeting me because I helped an officer that was in trouble. Regardless of if the dude was guilty or not, he was still fighting the officer and the officer was at a standstill... And the only thing anyone else was concerned with was recording the incident waiting for the officer to mess up, with the help of everyone else around provoking the situation.

    I am not racist. But seeing what I experienced this morning makes it hard not to be. I'm actually depressed about what I experienced this morning. Not because I took anything personally.... But because this problem is growing and nobody can do anything about it. I'm raising children to live in this society.

  • #2
    Originally posted by davbrucas
    I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

    Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

    You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


    • #3
      Holy shit, bro! Thanks for giving a shit and doing something in the face of imminent danger.


      • #4
        Svo one-ups in 3... 2...


        • #5


          • #6
            Pretty shitty that no other cops showed up in the time you were there.


            • #7
              Thank you. You did the right thing.


              • #8
                I wouldn't look it at as raising your kids in this society, more like a bunch of hood rats waiting on public transportation in Downtown Dallas. Unless you live down there and your kids go to a DISD school in that area, you should feel good about helping an officer who may have been killed.

                I thought all DPD in Dallas were in pairs now?
                Originally posted by Silverback
                Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
                  I wouldn't look it at as raising your kids in this society, more like a bunch of hood rats waiting on public transportation in Downtown Dallas. Unless you live down there and your kids go to a DISD school in that area, you should feel good about helping an officer who may have been killed.

                  I thought all DPD in Dallas are in pairs now?
                  I think they are working towards that policy, but they don't have the manpower to cover that.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Denny View Post
                    Holy shit, bro! Thanks for giving a shit and doing something in the face of imminent danger.
                    Hell yes. You're better than those stupid MFers and what you did was right. Just imagine if this idiot had gotten to that gun. It would be a completely different story. Don't be depressed.

                    "Be always sure you're right, then go ahead."
                    -Davy Crockett
                    When the government pays, the government controls.


                    • #11
                      Thank you sir.

                      This bull shit stuff in the news has started to make people think they shouldn't be arrested if they're not in the immediate act of a violent crime. Our own politicians are helping them with that sadly.


                      • #12
                        It was a DART police officer. He was on a segway lol


                        • #13
                          On that note, over the last three years or so, I have had several friends that were PD leave that career field because of the negative views and support from society.Y'all are losing more good officers than bad ones.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Denny View Post
                            I think they are working towards that policy, but they don't have the manpower to cover that.
                            Huh, I remember a similar incident in downtown a number of years back when a DPD officer was killled doing the exact same thing by that McDonalds. I thought policy changed and that DPD (specifically) in Downtown were to travel in pairs...
                            Originally posted by Silverback
                            Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


                            • #15
                              you gonna be on WHIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLSTAAAAAAAAA!

                              god bless.
                              It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass

