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  • #76
    Originally posted by YALE View Post
    So the stalking part is fine, but her having a halfrican is the deal breaker?
    Stalking has a legal definition and I got nowhere near crossing that line and would not have done so no matter what. I don't have your morals but I do have morals of my own and they do not allow for harassing women.
    Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


    • #77
      Originally posted by svo855 View Post
      Stalking has a legal definition and I got nowhere near crossing that line and would not have done so no matter what. I don't have your morals but I do have morals of my own and they do not allow for harassing women.
      Originally posted by Broncojohnny


      • #78
        Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
        You guys also missed the part where he found out who also owned the house. In my experience that involves a trip downtown to public records to browse properties, which took some damned effort.
        I think he was at GE's house


        • #79
          Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
          No, you just have a habit of trying to one-up every story you hear.
          I only add my 2 cents if I can relate to the story and don't comment on many that I see.

          How is this one upping anyway? He found himself a hot piece of 1 degree pussy and I found a steroided up white girl with a bit of a man face.
          Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


          • #80
            1. Shirt obviously shrunk in dryer
            2. Bottom soles of shoes too dirty
            3. Not centered when pushing cart
            4. Not photogenic, picture blurred

            2/10 would not do


            • #81
              Why you snoopin' on me like dat?


              • #82
                Fucking weirdo.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Mike View Post
                  Fucking weirdo.
                  Originally posted by Silverback
                  Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


                  • #84

                    Not sure what the problem is. I routinely snap blurry pictures of women without their knowledge, follow them home, check the registration on their car, and run a check on their house.

                    Like you guys have never done that
                    Last edited by CWO; 05-07-2015, 09:55 AM.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by svo855 View Post
                      I only add my 2 cents if I can relate to the story and don't comment on many that I see.

                      How is this one upping anyway? He found himself a hot piece of 1 degree pussy and I found a steroided up white girl with a bit of a man face.
                      It's one-upping because you came into the thread about something totally off the wall to proclaim that you not only did the same thing, but you did it first, and better.

                      Every now and then people will have stories that work out that way, but no one does it near as often as you.

                      And what's worse is that I'm sure most of us don't believe 1/10th of your stories, so you just look pathetic trying to fit in or stand out. Heaven forbid someone else get attention (good or bad) without you getting some, too. Are you 12? You might actually have a cool story to tell one day that is 100% legit, and no one is going to take it seriously.


                      • #86
                        not a closer.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by RabidJackal View Post
                          LOL. I guess you guys have no curiosity or adventure in you anymore.

                          I was waiting on the PIIHB comment. I guess I mis-judged how times have changed.
                          Perhaps you should chose a healthier way to indulge your curiosity or adventure.

                          Urban Dictionary definition of If you are a stalker revolves around if SHE would find you attractive enough to want your attention.

                          Top Definition
                          It seems to be that the term 'stalker' no longer means what it used to mean--the pathological ANONYMOUS follower and tab-keeper of another person or persons (A detective who has not been hired and has no real reason to follow someone). The old definition also would say that a 'stalker' often has an imaginary connection with the stalkee.

                          HOWEVER, common usage of the term, along with the term 'creepy', has come to be used as a defense mechanism for anyone seeking justification for not being attracted socially or physically to someone else.

                          This term is nearly as overdiagnosed as ADHD is in children. Any women who think an undesirable man might be interested in her will almost always automatically label him a stalker.

                          Note: Far too many idiots think they're more important than they really are. Real stalkers seek out beautiful, interesting, and often famous members of the attractive gender. 90 percent of the people who use the term couldn't get a real stalker to save their lives.
                          A hot girl who follows you around and shows up at your door is a friend.

                          An ugly girl who follows you around and shows up at your door is now, according to most, a stalker.

                          A hot guy who gives you flowers is a romantic.

                          An ugly guy who gives you flowers is a stalker.
                          by Colin Robertson November 12, 2005


                          • #88
                            Your posting style reminds me of someone that left the old board.

                            Originally posted by SVTVenom
                            Plaxico FTW!

                            I've got him on my team and have been quite happy so far.

                            Tied with Moss in TD's coming into this week and Top-10 in yardage. That decision is pretty easy in my eyes.

                            Hopefully you made the right decision because Steve Smith has 8 catches for only 68 yards right now and no TD's.
                            Originally posted by SVTVenom
                            Make that a final on the USC/Stanford game with the Cardinal getting the 'W'

                            LSU just scored so make that 17-14 Florida.
                            Originally posted by RabidJackal View Post
                            Watching the next episode preview you can see the following:

                            Doc vs. Kye Kelly - Kye Kelly wins after Doc has a MASSIVE nitrous backfire about 1/2 way through the run

                            Chief vs. Mike Murillo - Chief appears to beat him by about a car or so

                            No idea on the rest.
                            Last edited by Mike; 05-07-2015, 11:09 AM.


                            • #89
                              Now that is stalking, Denny!!


                              • #90
                                That's what I'm stalking about!

